KHOODEELAAR! [imminent] legal action against the UK Department for Transport, challenging the Govt’s contempt to UK's constitutional obligations, will include references to Tom Harris's behaviour
We have publicly warned him against making stupid remarks...When we say STUPID we mean STUPID Harris has been making quite a few of those as if he has missed the events of 1 may 2008 when the tout-in-chief of Big Business Crossrail hole agenda, Ken Livingstone, was obliged to leave the post that gave him the [what he had taken for granted lifelong, unending] ‘substance’ for the media ‘attention’..... It seems that stupidity is a feature of the UK’s Crossrail hole peddling DfT that appears to have an organisational [=bureaucratic] propensity to have as ministers some of the more ignorant and uncaring time-servers and self-seekers... How can the likes of Tom Harris be trusted? Yet Brown has allowed Harris to promote Crossrail!!! Against all evidence......Against all sense..... But then the man talks nonsense... As the latest display of his stupidity has been proving....So will Gordon Brown scrap Crassrail? On the ground that as it is prone to be peddled by idiots, it must have been contrived by idiots.... Or looters of public cash...... On either ground. CRASSrail must fall....
[To be continued]
5th Edition of day 0755 GMT London Monday 21 June 2010
Editor © Muhammad Haque
Founding News Editor
Shah M Azizul Haque
AADHIKAR Media Foundation, established with the publication of AADHIKAR the weekly on Monday 19 December 1980 from London E1 UK. INTO the 6th. CAMPAIGNING year with KHOODEELAAR! No to “Crossrail holes agenda, the Big Business SCAM, ADDING to poverty in the inner city and in particular the East End of London...” CAMPAIGN
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Crossrail hole plot-peddling, constitution-flouting, Big Business agenda-pushing 'minister' Tom Harris personifies barren, immoral, unethical 'power'
By©Muhammad Haque
1450 Hrs GMT
Saturday 21 June 2008
It is not ever possible to get the guilty to show gratitude to their prosecutor!
Likewise, it is never the case that the exposure or acton on a wrongdoing of a fraudulent corrupt politician will be followed by ‘the exposed’ being thankful to their electorate who demand answers for the politicians' failures.
When it comes to the politicians’ getting caught at it - which has begun to happen with an almost healthy frequency [it should happen more, much more often], the spectacle is a memorable one.
For it is when a politician gets caught at it that it [the politico] shows any manners at all!
It becomes almost courteous and begins to recover from the amnesia that affects it, grips it within minutes of being declared ‘elected’!
Within seconds, the ‘elected’ leaves the mortal, ordinary world and enters the sphere of the unordinary. Almost the sphere of the dead.
It does not recognise the surrounding any more.
And to the people in the ‘vicinity’ it behaves as if the people don’t exist....
Amnesia occurs about who made it ‘elected’ in the first place...Amnesia takes over about the entire environment....
It is very rarely that the public get the chance to see just what their elected politicos get up to...
When the opportunity comes, the exhibit is too embarrassing, too shameful...
[To be continued]
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Who's miserable now? 'I'm sorry,' says minister who told credit crunch Britons to cheer up
Last updated at 12:24 AM on 21st June 2008
Comments (26) Add to My Stories
Transport Minister Tom Harris has told families across Britain to stop being so miserable
A Labour minister who demanded to know why Britons were 'so bloody miserable' felt the force of public outrage yesterday over the soaring cost of living.
Tom Harris took to the airwaves to apologise if he had caused offence when he insisted that the public had 'never been so wealthy' despite the credit crunch hitting the economy.
The bike-riding Transport Minister claimed he had been trying to start a debate about why people found it hard to find 'contentment when we have so much material wealth'.
He insisted: 'I absolutely was not telling people to cheer up' - but admitted that 'timing isn't my strong point'.
However, his explanation for his remarks - which were revealed in yesterday's Daily Mail - appeared to cut little ice with viewers and listeners.
Mr Harris was harangued by scores for his 'arrogant' approach at a time when families are struggling with rising food and fuel costs, falling house prices and below-inflation pay rises.
Several complained that a minister earning £92,100 a year and claiming more than £150,000 in expenses was ill-placed to lecture others.
His strategy also appeared to backfire when he suggested that voters - not politicians - are the ones who are 'out of touch'.
The Glasgow South MP told BBC Radio Five Live: 'The idea that politicians are out of touch is an out- of-touch idea because politicians live in their constituencies, we speak to constituents all of the time and have families of our own.'
With Downing Street desperate to show voters that it understands their concerns over food and fuel prices, ministers were aghast at the row.
But Gordon Brown declined to criticise his minister. He said Mr Harris had been pointing out that Britain had become much wealthier over the past ten years - but had now acknowledged the pressures people faced currently.
'As he said this morning, people are facing very difficult problems in terms of food prices, petrol prices and mortgage prices and he recognised the problems that people are facing,' the Prime Minister said.
The furore erupted after Mr Harris complained on his Internet blog that people seemed to be afflicted by 'crippling levels of cynicism and pessimism'.
Tom Harris
He claimed high-definition TVs are flying off the shelves, people could treat themselves to 'whatever the latest technological innovation', and were spending sums on food and clothes that 'would have made our parents gasp'.
Eating out was as commonplace as going shopping, crime was down and the threat of terrorism had not altered anyone's pattern of behaviour.
He declared: 'In our own country today, despite the recent credit squeeze, our citizens have never been so wealthy. So why is everyone so bloody miserable?'
The Tories said his comments had taken Labour's 'arrogance and complacency to a whole new level'.
But Mr Harris insisted: 'I was simply asking why people in the current generation - even those who aren't suffering as much from the current economic slowdown - aren't as happy as our parents' generation.'
On GMTV, he said: 'Of course people are facing very difficult problems in terms of food prices, petrol prices and mortgage prices.
'I was trying to point out that there is a generational gap between the level of happiness - the difficulty that this generation finds in achieving some level of contentment compared to a generation ago.
'I'm the first to admit that timing isn't my strong point. It would be utterly arrogant of me or anyone else to tell people who are facing very difficult times to cheer up.
'The point I was trying to make wasn't about the day-to- day and shortterm economic problems.
'It was about an environmental, cultural, almost spiritual problem we have where materialism and possessions just aren't cutting it.'
But Mr Harris's blog was also inundated with comments from critics. One, John McDermott, wrote: 'Yep, you and your Parliamentary cronies have never had it so good, that's for sure, with second home allowances and just about everything paid for, including food and council tax.'
But Mr Harris won support from Labour peer Lord Layard, an expert in so-called 'happiness economics'.
He said: 'Surveys show people are no happier now than 50 years ago.
'The reason is deterioration in the quality of human relationships, both with family and very importantly with everybody else generally.'
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Comments (26)
Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below?
To come out with a statement like that whilst the UK is in such a state just shows how out of touch this Labour government and it's ministers are with the people they're supposed to support. Another overpaid idiot with no idea!
- John, Lancashire, 20/6/2008 00:46
I wonder if he would swap his salary for the minimum wage.
- Bernie, Dalkeith Midlothian, 20/6/2008 00:44
I would like to add to this to say I have only once ever been this poor in my life before and that was when I was a lone parent in 1975 and was left by my husband with no savings no maintenance and a winter of coal to find which I had to buy on credit and pay back throughout the summer. My daughter was two at the time and I had to claim Social Security at the grand rate of £13 per week. I had no new clothes or holidays then and I don't now. I bought the minimum of cheap food and grew my own veg. I buy cheap food now - often reduced for quick sale - to make end meet.
The only difference now is that I have a husband who runs a car to get to work. The cost of petrol keeps us poor. I am praying for a miracle and that someone will offer me a better job before the energy bill soar this winter - otherwise I don't know what to do. Our diet will soon be on a par with war rations if something doesn't let up soon.
- Kath, Margate, England, 20/6/2008 00:44
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1450 Hrs GMT
Saturday 21 June 2008
It is not ever possible to get the guilty to show gratitude to their prosecutor!
Likewise, it is never the case that the exposure or acton on a wrongdoing of a fraudulent corrupt politician will be followed by ‘the exposed’ being thankful to their electorate who demand answers for the politicians' failures.
When it comes to the politicians’ getting caught at it - which has begun to happen with an almost healthy frequency [it should happen more, much more often], the spectacle is a memorable one.
For it is when a politician gets caught at it that it [the politico] shows any manners at all!
It becomes almost courteous and begins to recover from the amnesia that affects it, grips it within minutes of being declared ‘elected’!
Within seconds, the ‘elected’ leaves the mortal, ordinary world and enters the sphere of the unordinary. Almost the sphere of the dead.
It does not recognise the surrounding any more.
And to the people in the ‘vicinity’ it behaves as if the people don’t exist....
Amnesia occurs about who made it ‘elected’ in the first place...Amnesia takes over about the entire environment....
It is very rarely that the public get the chance to see just what their elected politicos get up to...
When the opportunity comes, the exhibit is too embarrassing, too shameful...
[To be continued]
AADHIKARonline access advice:
PLEASE NOTE: the TEXTS only can be viewed on this page. To get the hypertext links, follow the web page link shown [to the right] on this page
Who's miserable now? 'I'm sorry,' says minister who told credit crunch Britons to cheer up
Last updated at 12:24 AM on 21st June 2008
Comments (26) Add to My Stories
Transport Minister Tom Harris has told families across Britain to stop being so miserable
A Labour minister who demanded to know why Britons were 'so bloody miserable' felt the force of public outrage yesterday over the soaring cost of living.
Tom Harris took to the airwaves to apologise if he had caused offence when he insisted that the public had 'never been so wealthy' despite the credit crunch hitting the economy.
The bike-riding Transport Minister claimed he had been trying to start a debate about why people found it hard to find 'contentment when we have so much material wealth'.
He insisted: 'I absolutely was not telling people to cheer up' - but admitted that 'timing isn't my strong point'.
However, his explanation for his remarks - which were revealed in yesterday's Daily Mail - appeared to cut little ice with viewers and listeners.
Mr Harris was harangued by scores for his 'arrogant' approach at a time when families are struggling with rising food and fuel costs, falling house prices and below-inflation pay rises.
Several complained that a minister earning £92,100 a year and claiming more than £150,000 in expenses was ill-placed to lecture others.
His strategy also appeared to backfire when he suggested that voters - not politicians - are the ones who are 'out of touch'.
The Glasgow South MP told BBC Radio Five Live: 'The idea that politicians are out of touch is an out- of-touch idea because politicians live in their constituencies, we speak to constituents all of the time and have families of our own.'
With Downing Street desperate to show voters that it understands their concerns over food and fuel prices, ministers were aghast at the row.
But Gordon Brown declined to criticise his minister. He said Mr Harris had been pointing out that Britain had become much wealthier over the past ten years - but had now acknowledged the pressures people faced currently.
'As he said this morning, people are facing very difficult problems in terms of food prices, petrol prices and mortgage prices and he recognised the problems that people are facing,' the Prime Minister said.
The furore erupted after Mr Harris complained on his Internet blog that people seemed to be afflicted by 'crippling levels of cynicism and pessimism'.
Tom Harris
He claimed high-definition TVs are flying off the shelves, people could treat themselves to 'whatever the latest technological innovation', and were spending sums on food and clothes that 'would have made our parents gasp'.
Eating out was as commonplace as going shopping, crime was down and the threat of terrorism had not altered anyone's pattern of behaviour.
He declared: 'In our own country today, despite the recent credit squeeze, our citizens have never been so wealthy. So why is everyone so bloody miserable?'
The Tories said his comments had taken Labour's 'arrogance and complacency to a whole new level'.
But Mr Harris insisted: 'I was simply asking why people in the current generation - even those who aren't suffering as much from the current economic slowdown - aren't as happy as our parents' generation.'
On GMTV, he said: 'Of course people are facing very difficult problems in terms of food prices, petrol prices and mortgage prices.
'I was trying to point out that there is a generational gap between the level of happiness - the difficulty that this generation finds in achieving some level of contentment compared to a generation ago.
'I'm the first to admit that timing isn't my strong point. It would be utterly arrogant of me or anyone else to tell people who are facing very difficult times to cheer up.
'The point I was trying to make wasn't about the day-to- day and shortterm economic problems.
'It was about an environmental, cultural, almost spiritual problem we have where materialism and possessions just aren't cutting it.'
But Mr Harris's blog was also inundated with comments from critics. One, John McDermott, wrote: 'Yep, you and your Parliamentary cronies have never had it so good, that's for sure, with second home allowances and just about everything paid for, including food and council tax.'
But Mr Harris won support from Labour peer Lord Layard, an expert in so-called 'happiness economics'.
He said: 'Surveys show people are no happier now than 50 years ago.
'The reason is deterioration in the quality of human relationships, both with family and very importantly with everybody else generally.'
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Comments (26)
Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below?
To come out with a statement like that whilst the UK is in such a state just shows how out of touch this Labour government and it's ministers are with the people they're supposed to support. Another overpaid idiot with no idea!
- John, Lancashire, 20/6/2008 00:46
I wonder if he would swap his salary for the minimum wage.
- Bernie, Dalkeith Midlothian, 20/6/2008 00:44
I would like to add to this to say I have only once ever been this poor in my life before and that was when I was a lone parent in 1975 and was left by my husband with no savings no maintenance and a winter of coal to find which I had to buy on credit and pay back throughout the summer. My daughter was two at the time and I had to claim Social Security at the grand rate of £13 per week. I had no new clothes or holidays then and I don't now. I bought the minimum of cheap food and grew my own veg. I buy cheap food now - often reduced for quick sale - to make end meet.
The only difference now is that I have a husband who runs a car to get to work. The cost of petrol keeps us poor. I am praying for a miracle and that someone will offer me a better job before the energy bill soar this winter - otherwise I don't know what to do. Our diet will soon be on a par with war rations if something doesn't let up soon.
- Kath, Margate, England, 20/6/2008 00:44
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Khoodeelaar! is preaparing for the long overdue court challenge against the 'Crossrail Bill' promotion by the stooged 'Select Committees' in UK
By©Muhammad Haque
0715 Hrs GMT
Saturday 21 June 2008
ANALYSING the contents of the licencepayers’-paid-for BBC NEWSNIGHT that did the lying for the UK Govt and overlooked the Gordon Brown regime’s flouting the of UK’s ‘constitutional convention’ that the independence of the judiciary must be respected......
This is being done in the context of the KHOODEELAAR! campaign against the unconstitutionality of the Gordon Brown regime in sabotaging any attempt at scrutiny of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ which has just been given de facto stamp of approval by the stooged ‘House of Lords Crossrail Bill Select Committee’.
Khoodeelaar! is now able to confirm that as the role of the two ‘select committees’ has been in effect sabotaged by the Govt and scrutiny of the contents, the purpose and the implications of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ PREVENTED in effect, that the process of ‘law making’ or ‘legislation’ in the Uk has been on this occasion contrary to the UK’;s constitutional obligations, duties shall be filing the first of a series of court challenges against this in due c course....
I am going to look in detail at the BBC’s role in breaching this convention often and on a daily basis.
I shall also focus on the tetchy and persistent way that david Dimbleby interrupted David Davis oN Thursday [QUESTION Time, BBC1 Thursday 19 June 2008] and gave the laboured impression that he, Dimbleby, was determined to call Davis’s bluff! That it was the BBC that had the bluff escaped Dimbleby who was carrying out the agenda that had been set for him by those who wanted the abolition of the Magna Carta to become acceptable... I shall discuss in further detail the role of the Dimbleby brothers in undermining the universally held aspects of ‘civilisation’.... And I shall look at how the ‘radical’ Jonathan Dimbleby was ‘jokingly’ inciting callers to make racist calls and incite to racist disaffection via the BBC.........
I start with the Stuart Wheeler challenge and Gordon Brown’s defiance of the status of the court’s independence...
Evidence under this review: NEWSNIGHT, fronted by Kirsty Wark Friday 20 june 2008
If Kirsty Wark on the BBC NEWSNIGHT were a trader on a genuinely informative and demanding news channel then she would have been asked to submit herself for a review interview. Her performance as shown on NEWSNIGHT on Friday [20 June 2008] about the UK's constitutional position regarding the Lisbon treaty, is a clear example of how lazy Kirsty is...
It is not plausible [on the known evidence] to say that Kirsty is dim. Because she has shown that she is rather good at making money. And at making friends with powerful political position holders... And that she is quite good at escaping accountability. Holyrood overspend. To recall one widely known incident that links her with all sorts of shoddy and shady elements in Scotland [or rather ‘Edinburgh political gangs’] -linked ‘politics...’
For instance.
So Kirsty Wark is a 'successful' businesswoman in her own bank balances.
The source of course of her profit is the poor licence payer.
Fleeced as always by the BBC, the licencepayer has no choice.
And No say on the agenda of NEWSNIGHT. Or on the contents of Kirsty Wark’s brains in context. Or on those of Wark’s colleagues and counterparts.
And hardly any friends in high places. Unlike Kirsty Wark.
And how does Kirsty Wark manage to make and keep those friends in high places?
By asking stupid questions and making idiotic presumptive comments at the expense of anyone who dares to assert that the UK Govt as currently fronted by Gordon Brown has the basic duty to behave in accordance with the rules of the ‘unwritten British constitution’.
This was illustrated in Kirsty Wark’s very ignorant, very stupid and very unacceptable and inaccurate ‘questions’ as put to Stuart Wheeler.
Wheeler is the man who is spending this weekend [today Saturday 21 and tomorrow Sunday 22 June 2008] waiting for the court in London to give its judgement on his [Wheeler's] CURRENT application on the UK Government's duty - constitutional duty- over Lisbon after the Irish have said NO to the EU treaty concerned...
[To be continued]
0715 Hrs GMT
Saturday 21 June 2008
ANALYSING the contents of the licencepayers’-paid-for BBC NEWSNIGHT that did the lying for the UK Govt and overlooked the Gordon Brown regime’s flouting the of UK’s ‘constitutional convention’ that the independence of the judiciary must be respected......
This is being done in the context of the KHOODEELAAR! campaign against the unconstitutionality of the Gordon Brown regime in sabotaging any attempt at scrutiny of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ which has just been given de facto stamp of approval by the stooged ‘House of Lords Crossrail Bill Select Committee’.
Khoodeelaar! is now able to confirm that as the role of the two ‘select committees’ has been in effect sabotaged by the Govt and scrutiny of the contents, the purpose and the implications of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ PREVENTED in effect, that the process of ‘law making’ or ‘legislation’ in the Uk has been on this occasion contrary to the UK’;s constitutional obligations, duties shall be filing the first of a series of court challenges against this in due c course....
I am going to look in detail at the BBC’s role in breaching this convention often and on a daily basis.
I shall also focus on the tetchy and persistent way that david Dimbleby interrupted David Davis oN Thursday [QUESTION Time, BBC1 Thursday 19 June 2008] and gave the laboured impression that he, Dimbleby, was determined to call Davis’s bluff! That it was the BBC that had the bluff escaped Dimbleby who was carrying out the agenda that had been set for him by those who wanted the abolition of the Magna Carta to become acceptable... I shall discuss in further detail the role of the Dimbleby brothers in undermining the universally held aspects of ‘civilisation’.... And I shall look at how the ‘radical’ Jonathan Dimbleby was ‘jokingly’ inciting callers to make racist calls and incite to racist disaffection via the BBC.........
I start with the Stuart Wheeler challenge and Gordon Brown’s defiance of the status of the court’s independence...
Evidence under this review: NEWSNIGHT, fronted by Kirsty Wark Friday 20 june 2008
If Kirsty Wark on the BBC NEWSNIGHT were a trader on a genuinely informative and demanding news channel then she would have been asked to submit herself for a review interview. Her performance as shown on NEWSNIGHT on Friday [20 June 2008] about the UK's constitutional position regarding the Lisbon treaty, is a clear example of how lazy Kirsty is...
It is not plausible [on the known evidence] to say that Kirsty is dim. Because she has shown that she is rather good at making money. And at making friends with powerful political position holders... And that she is quite good at escaping accountability. Holyrood overspend. To recall one widely known incident that links her with all sorts of shoddy and shady elements in Scotland [or rather ‘Edinburgh political gangs’] -linked ‘politics...’
For instance.
So Kirsty Wark is a 'successful' businesswoman in her own bank balances.
The source of course of her profit is the poor licence payer.
Fleeced as always by the BBC, the licencepayer has no choice.
And No say on the agenda of NEWSNIGHT. Or on the contents of Kirsty Wark’s brains in context. Or on those of Wark’s colleagues and counterparts.
And hardly any friends in high places. Unlike Kirsty Wark.
And how does Kirsty Wark manage to make and keep those friends in high places?
By asking stupid questions and making idiotic presumptive comments at the expense of anyone who dares to assert that the UK Govt as currently fronted by Gordon Brown has the basic duty to behave in accordance with the rules of the ‘unwritten British constitution’.
This was illustrated in Kirsty Wark’s very ignorant, very stupid and very unacceptable and inaccurate ‘questions’ as put to Stuart Wheeler.
Wheeler is the man who is spending this weekend [today Saturday 21 and tomorrow Sunday 22 June 2008] waiting for the court in London to give its judgement on his [Wheeler's] CURRENT application on the UK Government's duty - constitutional duty- over Lisbon after the Irish have said NO to the EU treaty concerned...
[To be continued]
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