This page was last edited at 0130 GMT 0230 Hrs UK Time London Thursday 18 September 2008/18 Ramadan 1429 AH:
KHOODEELAAR! No to crassly conceived, corrupting Big Business Agenda Crossrail hole plot..." CAMPAIGN TOLD YOU SO! That Gordon Brown was fronting a Blaired regime that was in effect an outfit of Big Business interests… That Big Business was callous… That Big Business did not care whether the needs of ordinary people on transport or on anything else were being actually recognised, correctly addressed and adequately and actually delivered… ALL that Big business ‘cared’ for was profit… and the excuse the pretext to be able to loot as much of the ordinary peoples’ resources, money and rights as the Govt of the day would allow the Big business to rob, steal and misappropriate…. That Crossrail was given the ‘commitment’ of public funding by Gordon Brown acting as a stooge of Big Business, rather than acting as a responsible democrat who was actually are of the truth of the t situation in the K ands in London… hat Gordon Brown has become almost a laughing stock [see,. strictly for references. the London EVENING nostandards STANDARD report on Wednesday 17 September 2008 saying that Brown was humiliated in cabinet...] because of his brazen siding with Big business in contrast with his over-hyped alleged dithering when it comes to ordinary peoples needs….. That Gordon Brown cannot be treated as having even understood what he was saying when he said those words in tune with the then Ken Livingstone entourage as he posed in canary Wharf made the utterances of profound and unforgettable ignorance in peddling the leis scripted by Big Business and dressed as ‘Crossrail’….. That Douglas Oakervee, the hugely discredited operative who cost the public a large amount of money while he, Oakervee had been in Hong Kong, was not fit to be appointed to Crossrail, but that he was appointed and then praised to the skies by Ken Livingstone,….. That Livingstone has been lying …. Was lying and will continue to lie so long as anyone gives him a platform to lie on…. That Oakervee was involved in misleading the UK parliament about what Crossrail Company was getting up to….. that Alistair Darling as Transport Secretary misled parliament and lied to the public when he made that allocation of £100 Million to CLRL under an lyingly passed piece of corrupting legislation called the Railways Act 2005……[To be continued]