This AADHIKARonline page was last edited at 1212 GMT London Saturday 26 July 2008
How is Rupert Murdoch’s media sex trade linked with the very essence of what constitute Govt power and peoples’ liberties in Britain..
KHOODEELAAR! No to “unconstitutionally conceived of and promoted Crossrail hole agenda and unconstitutionality, unethicality, immorality, lack of transparency in the bodies and offices of the Government that is kept in place IN THE name of the people......” CAMPAIGN commenatry at 1200 Hrs GMT London saturday 26 July 2008: This SKY NEWS interviewee gave away more secrets than she ought to have...That she was married an MI5 employee at the time of her sexual activities with Max Moseley an the News of the World's agenda, raises questions that concern the most vital of the peoples' rights...... It was the same NEWS OF THE WORLD that had instantly promoted Kelvin McKenzie as an attack dog to savage David Davis's statements [as Davis had made those on 12 June 2008] and Davis's stand on civil liberties...... Quickly followed by the unleashing of the entire kennel of Murdoch’s News of the World propaganda hounds including George Pascow -Watson and Trevor Kavanagh..... They ALL asserted in the most aggressive possible way in the middle of June 2008 that THEY stood for 'British values and they KNEW what was good for British liberty and that they were prepared to give up peoples liberties ...' for the protection of British liberties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... They sounded terrifyingly patriotic.... They were as zealous as they were empty.....Now the judgement as meted out by Justice Eady in the London court, raises serious questions... What evidence the News of the World brings in that way [as displayed during the fortnight of the trial] can be the basis of any trust in what Government Ministers EVER say about the 'safety of the people in the hands of Govt Departments, agencies, collaborators and agents'?' ...What evidence is there, looking at the records of Govt behaviour of, say the past 14 months, to trust anything any Govt minister says about anything? These questions are analogous to the questions that KHOODEELAAR! has been asking for 56 months, in fact. We have shown that you cannot trust anything any Govt minister ever says.... Not when it comes to issues to do with the vested interests that Govt ministers have been often found to be linked with and propelled by..... As even the most pro-Blairist of the media in Britain have been confessing to in the past few days, the decision to get the Crossrail hole scam that multi £Billion ‘commitment’ [uttered by Gordon Brown] was prompted by Bechtel..... Bechtel had employed as their main spin-link with the Brown-fronted Blairing regime one of Douglas Alexander’s close colleagues........So while Alexander was at his most actorly [there is another KHOODEELAAR! word!] apparently effortlessly coming across all genuine and all on-message about the Blaired party and [as being all ‘sibling-ached’ about sister Wendy’s being ‘persecuted’ by the enemies] uninterested in rocking the boat during his appearance on the BBC News Channel discussion in the hours before the actual announcement of the results of the Glasgow East by-election yesterday morning [Friday 25 july 2008], he was not fooling the students of the CRASSrail hole scam at all..... Douglas Alexander is as corrupted in office as the rest of them and we shall make this allegation against him in extensive relevant and evidential detail in the actual claim documents...He knew more than he told Parliament about who actually was behind the pressure to waste [that is, to put into the pockets of Big Business including and especially fronted and engineered by Bechtel] £Billions of pub lic money in the name of Crossrail....It is IMPOSSIBLE to accept that one of his ‘former’ aides who was conveniently no longer in Govt with him but was acting as employee of Bechtel interests in a field and on a matter and precisely relevant time on which Alexander was heading the Govt brief in Parliament, was NOT in any communication in any shape or form with him and vice versa.....[To be continued]