Sunday, July 6, 2008

Is Crossrail hole plot, Big Business-agenda “loot-the-public-purse” -backer Steve Norris the correct NEXT target of a Save Boris career RESIGNATION?

By©Muhammad Haque
0145 Hrs GMT London
and 0555 Hrs GMT
Monday 7 July 2008

Before making ANY further 'new' 'announcement', Boris Johnson has got to find a simple sober chair. Sit on it. Or in the chair. Reflect. Then think. Reflect again.

This need not take more than a day or so.

Then he should take stock of what he has done.

What he has overlooked.

He has forgotten London already by the sounds of things!

What he has prioritised.

He has prioritised nothing that really matters to London by the looks of things.

Are they all in order?

Boris is getting way out of order.

And how many ‘colourful’ excuses he can find before he has to say goodbye to the Onion!

The speed with which he has 'allowed' two of his 'hoisted' 'advisers' and 'deputies' to ‘resign’ has been undue.

And the speed of the announcement of the inquiry into Ray Lewis “allegations” and the announcement scrapping that same inquiry within 100 hours is undue.

Whatever the 'mainstream' media have been saying about Boris Johnson being the flagship for a supposedly future Tory UK Govt, must be based on a fabrication.

Boris Johnson needs to get to work. "Flat out'.

He has not done so. Not yet.

Making the announcement of a competition on the new Routemaster Bus is not really serious work.

To get to work as opposed to getting on the media in positive lights means he must part company with the media.

It may not be easy. The media has made Boris what he is. Or what he is soon not going to be!

And that means he has got to leave the company of the media.

He needs to ration the output.

Nobody needs to know about his every move. It will amount to nothing.

And before he accepts anyone as his ‘deputy’ or equivalent again, he has to remember certain things.

That he was 'sacked' by Michael Howard in effect.

For lying.

For a strong of sexual encounters outside of his own marriage...

And then he has to remember that in Steve Norris, he has got a single individual with the undeniable capacity of carrying several adulterous partners all at the same time.....

Has Boris thought of sacking Norris too. From whatever role he has given Norris so far?

Logic says - and sense says - that Norris should never have been taken on board by Boris....

Or am I here sensing an atmosphere suggesting that a news item or two around Steve Norris is about to come our way?

BEST thing would be to sack Steve Norris now.... And be done with whatever it is that Norris has been peddling. Including Crossrail....

[To be continued]

Boris Johnson may yet suffer worse humiliation than he has allowed Ray Lewis to experience - it may come 'thanks' to Big Business agenda...

By©Muhammad Haque
0145 Hrs GMT London
and 0555 Hrs GMT
Monday 7 July 2008

Before making ANY further 'new' 'announcement', Boris Johnson has got to find a simple sober chair. Sit on it. Or in the chair. Reflect. Then think. Reflect again.

This need not take more than a day or so.

Then he should take stock of what he has done.

What he has overlooked.

He has forgotten London already by the sounds of things!

What he has prioritised.

He has prioritised nothing that really matters to London by the looks of things.

Are they all in order?

Boris is getting way out of order.

And how many ‘colourful’ excuses he can find before he has to say goodbye to the Onion!

The speed with which he has 'allowed' two of his 'hoisted' 'advisers' and 'deputies' to ‘resign’ has been undue.

And the speed of the announcement of the inquiry into Ray Lewis “allegations” and the announcement scrapping that same inquiry within 100 hours is undue.

Whatever the 'mainstream' media have been saying about Boris Johnson being the flagship for a supposedly future Tory UK Govt, must be based on a fabrication.

Boris Johnson needs to get to work. "Flat out'.

He has not done so. Not yet.

Making the announcement of a competition on the new Routemaster Bus is not really serious work.

To get to work as opposed to getting on the media in positive lights means he must part company with the media.

It may not be easy. The media has made Boris what he is. Or what he is soon not going to be!

And that means he has got to leave the company of the media.

He needs to ration the output.

Nobody needs to know about his every move. It will amount to nothing.

And before he accepts anyone again, he has to remember certain things.

That he was 'sacked' by Michele Howard ion effect.

For lying.

For a strong of sexual encounters outside of his own marriage...

And then he has to remember that in Steve Norris, he has got a single individual with the undeniable capacity of carrying several adulterous partners all at the same time.....

Has Boris thought of sacking Norris too. from whatever role he has given Norris so far?

Logic says - and sense says - that Norris should never have been taken on board by Boris....

Or am I here sensing an atmosphere suggesting that a news item or two around Steve Norris is about to come our way?

BEST thing would be to sack Steve Norris now.... And be done with whatever it is that Norris has been peddling. Including Crossrail....

[To be continued]

Khoodeelaar! constitutional law No to Crossrail Bill is addressing the core of current crisis in UK Parliament

Khoodeelaar! constitutional law No to Crossrail Bill is addressing the core of current crisis in UK Parliament

By©Muhammad Haque
2010 Hrs GMT
Sunday 6 July 2008
Why is the “42 day detention without charge’ 'argument' which is being suppressed by the BBC, the Guardian and the rest of the Blairing media in Britain, relevant to the campaign against CRASS Rail hole Bill and package, too?

Because the same ‘values’, - distorted by Gordon Brown when he states the word to ‘vah-loos’, - that the image of Britain is traded on but are flouted by the Govt ‘at home’, are as much at the centre of the challenge that the Conservative former MP [and Opposition spokesman in the House of Commons on Home affairs] David Davis has thrown at Gordon Brown and David Cameron as are at the centre of the constitutional law challenge that Khoodeelaar! has been mounting and updating for the past 56 months
Those as understood by me in a nutshell include:
The principle that due process will be observed.
That the evidence will be examined transparently and in open forum so that the merit of any charge can be seen to be justified and true as far as humanly ascertainable in the circumstances.
That all universally recognised principles of justice shall be observed and be seen to be being observed.
[To be continued]

Crassly conceived London CROSSRAIL hole plot is a product of Big Business Lobby that the London Guardian promotes.. Lying is in Guardian 'nature'

AADHIKARonline - Muhammad Haque ethical commentary at 1335 Hrs GMT London Sunday 6 July 2008:

CRASSrail hole plot-peddling Guardian is edited by Alan Rusbridger.. Rusbridger knows someone INTIMATELY. That someone is a VERY CALLOUS liar....

So what did that callous liar lie about that is so relevant to the Crossrail hole plot against the East end of London?

It has everything to do with it.

Like Matthew Parris who incited Tony Blair to DRIVE Crossrail hole through Brick Lane as ‘punishment’ for VOTING OONA KING OUT in May 2005, the Crossrail hole plot-backing Guardian’s ‘Editor’ Alan Rusbridger knows a person INTIMATELY who LIED when justifying their THEN attack that had just been printed in and by the GUARDIAN against the same community in the East End of London.

That attack was unjustified but it was nevertheless carried in the lying Guardian.

The London-based Guardian has for years practised the evil craft of trans-attribution. That is, of false attribution.

It works like this: They hear about or pick up or are somehow pointed in the direction of a truthful statement somewhere about something that they have a race or ethnicity or faith related ‘policy’ on.

Like, SAY, there is a truthful statement about the universe. About the earth. About the sun. About the moon, or about the solar system. Or about the environment around the planet earth.

That someone has made that discovery, observation or invention or even the original comment or statement about it.

And that the Guardian news group further find that objectively speaking the statement is true and is truthful.

But THAT there is a snag.

What is that snag?

They ALSO find that the origin or the source of the core statement or observation or discovery also happens to be a - Muslim.

The Guardian and Muslim do not mix.

The Guardian hates Muslim.

The Guardian was born on hatred of Muslim.

The Guardian lives on hatred of Muslim.

The Guardian cannot stand Muslim.

But it daren’t say so.

For the sake of its business... Not for any other reason.

So the Guardian devises the typically Guardian-evil ploy of running the fact by denying the source. They invent a source.

They falsely attribute the finding to that invented source.

They thus perpetuate a falsehood against the truth so that they could deny the Muslim, any Muslim concerned in the context of the given observation or finding or discovery or event, the objectively deserved authorship, credit....role.....

[To be continued]

Dan Milmo, of the Guardian. The Guardian is the CRASSrail -plugging, Big Business agenda tout Ken Livingstone-promoting 'Fleet Street' 'mainstream news' 'outlets' and 'outfits' that has lied for Big Business and for the City of London interests despite the fact that OBJECTIVELY tested evidence does NOT support Crossrail... Also, dan Milmo has often in the past, published utter inaccuracies. So persistent has Milmo been in his inaccuracies that there must have been a plot by the Guardian to mislead the Uk public for the benefit of Big business that alone have pushed for UK Public to pay £Billions for the CRASSly conceived Crossrail in London.... Today’s printed OBSERVER carries a apiece by Dan Milmo which is another attack on London’s transport needs... Milmo attacks Boris Johnson for wanting to keep his election pledge to bring back the Routemaster Bus... In this attack, Milmo brings in Stephen Gaister... one of the most discreditable and dishonest ‘academic s; whom ken Livingstone had used to peddle for Big Business.......

[To be continued]

“Stephen Glaister, the executive director of the RAC Foundation and a former board member at Transport for London, questioned whether bringing back London's signature double-decker represented good value for money given the pressures on the capital's budget- including the £16bn Crossrail scheme and repairing a funding hole of at least £2bn in the public private partnership programme to upgrade the underground network.”

CRASSrail-plugging, Big Business agenda-backing GUARDIAN ['as "OBSERVER' on Sundays] is lying for CROSSRAIL and at the expense of the Routemaster Bus!

The Guardian Unbelievable has today [in the printed form of the ‘Observer’! as it is Sunday, 6 July 2008] published yet another twisted plug for CRASSrail.

The misleading by-line is half-claimed by dan Milmo, and another bit by another of their named contributors. But as usual, the Guardian is contradictory and dishonest.

And why are they running yet another contradictory and dishonest piece?

About Boris Johnson, of course. More on this in the later parts of this commentary.

REWIND to Guardian Unbelievable's lies for CRASSrail London during the early parts of 2007:

On 4 June 2007, AADHIKARonline denounced the Guardian Unbelievable and their so-called transport correspondent et dan Milmo. The reason for that denunciation was Milmo's lying. And ignorance. As he peddled for Crassrail hole plot. And promoted the Crassrail hole plotting tout Ken Livingstone.

We said, amongst other things,m the following about the untruthful Guardian and the untruthful Dan Milmo [the Guardian's' so-called transport correspondent]


The Guardian openly lies for Crossrail hole plot!
1. 7 March 2007 “The Guardian article, "Livingstone and business leaders urge government to fund £10 bn Crossrail scheme", By Dan Milmo, ...”
2. 21 March, Guardian, Dan Milmo, £10 bn Crossrail
3. 29 May 2007, Dan Milmo, the Guardian ‘transport correspondent’ wrote “Gordon Brown is also understood to favour the £10 bn Crossrail project” and
4. 6 days later, the same Guardian’s same Dan Milmo has produced a fantastic budgetary feat of saving [“!!] £1.7 Billion on the costs of Crossrail!

It is no longer £10 Billion Crossrail but a mere £8.3 Billion!

If that is the rate at which the costs of the Crossrail hole plot are reduced then by the end of this week, we should be able to look at a Crossrail plot that will not cost the UK public anything at all!
