Saturday, May 31, 2008

Big Business agents controlling the bureaucracies in the UK Parliament have impoverished Parliament for Crossrail hole plot....

By©Muhammad Haque
0550 Hrs GMT
Sunday 1 June 2008

The physical poverty, deprivation that the Crossrail hole agenda would ADD to the East End of London is linked with the poverty of sense as seen in Parliament

The poverty, the unsettlement and the deprivation are typical of the consequences that result from all Big Business scams.
No prudent Prime Minister would sanction such activities. yet Gordon Brown was corralled by Ken Livingstone into doing exactly that. THere is still time for Gordon Brown to avoid this particular package of follies. By scrapping the Crossrail hoe plot NOW.

Khoodeelaar! is campaigning against ADDITIONAL deprivation that Crossrail hole plot will bring to the East End, as we are against the poverty of sense and rationality that has been on rampant display in the UK Parliament. In the two exhibitions of stooged ‘Select Committee’ that have performed in accordance with the greedy, corrupting purpose of Big Business that has set its agenda on grabbing as much of the UK Public cash as it can under the latest pretext of ‘big infrastructure project’ called a London Crossrail...

If the poverty of audit, the emptiness of accountability, the desertion of scrutiny in and by ‘Parliament’ that we have witnessed so far in the corrupt conduct of the two stooged select committees in the ‘House of commons and in the ‘House of Lords’ is really how the ‘Mother of all Parliaments’ actually does its business then the ‘people’ of the UK have a lot of strife coming .....

.For when Parliament perpetrates the agenda of lies and liars, there cannot be any resort to any other forum except to despair.... Is this what Gordon Brown wants the people of inner city East End of London to share with the people in the rest of the UK and to tell the others beyond the boundaries of the UK, as our experience of trying to tell the truth to ‘the democratic UK Parliament’ before it [the UK Parliament] makes one particular piece of ‘law’...?

Is this why Brown has continued Blair’s legacy of evil? Of signalling to the whips - the de facto storm troopers within parliament to keep democracy in check - to exert their mala fide ‘powers’ and silence the voices of truth... against a seriously flawed measure success the CRASSLY conceived, wasteful, diversionary, Big Business scam called Crossrail? That the UK parliament is deaf to the truth? That UK Parliament is hostile to the evidence that contains the truth? That the UK parliament is a hindrance to peoples’; reasonable, rational and considered representation of the truth about the use and the abuse of public resource?

[To be continued]

KHOODEELAAR! the inner city, East End of London CAMPAIGN against unconstitutionality in the UK Parliament began even before new breaches in Parliament

The contents of the alleged first report published [‘dated’ 27 May 2008] in the name of the 'Crossrail Bill Select Committee' in the UK House fo Lords, appears to be aware that its conduct may be challenged in court.

In fact the report ANTICIPATES! Nay, ENCOURAGES court challenges to its conduct!

How very odd! Indeed!

[To be continued]

KHOODEELAAR! the inner city, East End of London CAMPAIGN against unconstitutionality in the UK Parliament began even before new breaches in Parliament

On Sunday 22 January 2006, at a Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill CAMPAIGN meeting held at the 'Brady Centre', 192 Hanbury Street, London E1, the KHOODEELAAR! campaign organiser gave the key note speech about the campaign. In the speech, he also stated, extempore, the core of a motion that the meeting unanimously supported DEMANDING that the local Tower Hamlets Council passed a full Council motion saying ‘No to the Crossrail hole Bill’.

Two years 4 months have passed since that time and the Khoodeelaar! campaign has been renewing the same demand to the Council. The Tower Hamlets Council has not passed that motion. The community has not been respected by Tower Hamlets Council on this issue. Yet the 'councillors' who attended that meeting have remained on the same Council claiming to represent the community that is affected by the Crossrail hole plot.....

So what is the secret? Is it in any way to do with any ambiguity about what was said in the Khoodeelaar! campaign demand as passed by the meeting held on 22 January 2006?

There could be no ambiguity.

Just for the records, we again publish the main text of the KHOODEELAAR! legal action process service communication about the demand that was sent to the then 'chief executive' in the Tower Hamlets Borough COUNCIL , Christine Gilbert on 25 January 2006.

By©Muhammad Haque .....

Wednesday 25 January 2006

Christine Gilbert
Chief Executive
Owen Whalley
Head of Major Project Development
London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council
Mulberry Place
5 Clove Crescent
London E14 2BG
Dear Ms Gilbert and Mr Whalley
Subject Khoodeelaar campaign meeting –
Demand 22 January 2006 –

The texts [2] sent by fax 25 Jan 2006

1.    You both have been sent this morning the main texts of the KHOODEELAAR!
campaign  resolution as delivered and agreed at the meeting on 22 January 2006 held [at the Brady centre, 192 Hanbury street London E1] in the evening of Sunday 22 January 2006 demanding that the London borough of tower hamlets council pass a single motion as their resolution against the Crossrail hole plan/bill as it is in the uk house of commons now  and that they do so in the next 11 days  and that the resolution be put to the uk parliament and to the  uk secretary of state transport department [Department for Transport= ‘DfT’] and that the resolution be phrased and drafted in an unambiguous unequivocal way accurately truthfully reflecting and representing the demand of the community.
2.     Mr Owen Whalley has been sent the copy – and is being sent this further amplifier and clarifier – because of the central role he has been playing (as the published documents of the LBTH =London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council - council suggest) in the promotion of the Crossrail hole scheme/project/bill  as far as the ‘development’ of the Crossrail ‘project’ for the LBTH =London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council - council goes.  He has been sent the material also in order for him to be in receipt of what the community has demanded and what he as the designated employee on ‘Crossrail’ in the LBTH =London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council - council has to do so that the community’s lawful and urgent demand is seen to be recognised and implemented by the relevant employees in the council on every relevant occasion.
3.    As the same campaign meeting [22 January 2006] also agreed the taking of legal action in the event that tower hamlets council fail to implement the demand, you both are most certainly going to be included as parties in any such action and so you are being sent this in our voluntary compliance with the requirements of natural justice, due process [and other related concepts] and the civil procedure rules.
4.    The KHOODEELAAR! Campaign in defence of the BRICK LANE London E1 AREA and against the Crossrail hole plan/scheme/project/bill is able to confirm to you both  today Wednesday 25 January 2006 that  we shall include  additional demands for the very detailed legal and democratic and economic accountability from the council over any additional  costs  that tower hamlets council is caused to be embroiled in or involved in or engaged in - whether in any further attempt/s on the parts of those who have access to the finances and the ‘powers’ and the contacts of the London borough of tower hamlets council to justify their roles and their promotions of the Crossrail hole project  or in any further unreasonable, irresponsible, improper, undemocratic, antisocial and or ill-conceived egotistic bid/s in defiance of the very clearly expressed demands of the local community and or in defiance of the campaigning organisations representing the fears, needs and demands of the local community against the Crossrail hole plan/scheme/project/bill and you both shall be included in any list of witnesses who will be asked to give evidence on their own roles and the origins of any orders or decisions that caused them to play the parts that you found yourselves playing in defiance of the local community’s clear demand against the Crossrail hole plan/scheme/project Bill. 5.    Ms Christine Gilbert has been put on notice since the first quarter of 2004 when the chair of the CBRUK organisation (which politically organised the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign during that same period in 2004) initiated the first series of extensive questions which were drafted and put to her concerning the role she had played in advising and or working with or in carrying out the actual intentions of any controlling group member of the LBTH =London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council - council on the Crossrail hole scheme/project/scheme. She has failed to date to deal with those questions and despite two recent [final] reminders has continued to fail or refuse to answer the outstanding questions. She has also failed to provide any lawful or reasonable explanation or lawful justification for her conduct and role concerned in the context of the KHOODEELAAR campaign demands, questions and representations.
6.    The statements that have been published in the past two weeks in the name of or by the uses and abuses of the LBTH =London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council - council as the corporate entity and about the Crossrail hole bill have contained more than one contradictory assertion and allusion to alleged facts thus creating new grounds for the community to be able to claim that ‘the TOWER HAMLETS COUNCIL’ in general and the identifiable ‘controlling group’ councillors are carrying on conducting themselves in defiance of or in conflict with the wishes and the interests of the local community concerned.
7.    The KHOODEELAAR campaign is able to confirm to both ms Christine Gilbert and Mr Owen Whalley that this communication dated and transmitted on Wednesday 25 January 2006 is being made to both of them as a very last attempt at helping the controlling persons involved in the LBTH =London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council - council over the Crossrail hole scheme/project/ bill avoid  placing or pushing the corporate entity of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council and its resources in a very costly confrontation with the community in the East End
8.   Mr Owen Whalley’s circular ‘to all members’ of the TOWER HAMLETS COUNCIL dated 19 September 2005 contains a misleading statement that is of crucial relevance to us and which statement as put to the meeting of 22 January 2006 and was loudly and clearly rejected by the meeting. That statement is in the last sentence in paragraph two of the circular (‘the petition also makes explicit the council’s opposition to an intervention shaft in Hanbury Street and preference for its relocation to Woodseer Street’.)
9.    The meaning of the phrase ‘misleading statement’ in this context is any statement that contradicts the community’s opposition to the [or ‘a’]  Crossrail hole, to the [or ‘a’]  Crossrail  shaft tunnel, to the [or ‘a’]    Crossrail hole in THE BRICK LANE London E1 AREA and in any other part of THE London BOROUGH OF TOWER HAMLETS. This is the position as expressed by the public meeting in support of the KHOODEELAAR campaign held at the Brady centre on Sunday 22 January 2006. This takes into account the KHOODEELAAR CAMPAIGN'S remit which recognises the rights of the people in the Mile End area that is also affected by the known Crossrail plans.
10.      The KHOODEELAAR campaign is able to confirm that it will treat this document and communication [25 January 2006]  as being a reasonable final comprehensive advice, notice and representation  to the two most relevant employees in the LBTH =London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council - council of the community’s simple and straightforward demand and position on the role of the LBTH Council in the matter of the Crossrail hole project/scheme/ Bill and of the task that the community has asked the LBTH Council to carry out within the specified time by passing the resolution and then making the same resolution available to the MPs select committee currently sitting to formally consider the relevant aspects of the Crossrail hole Bill [‘the Crossrail Bill’ or the ‘Crossrail hybrid Bill’]  in time so that there is no frustration of the community’s wish in the remainder of the process of legislation involved.

KHOODEELAAR campaign demand 22 January 2006 and follow-up legal notice to Christine Gilbert and Owen Whalley concluded at 1436 Hrs GMT on Wednesday 25 January 2006”

Friday, May 30, 2008

Gordon Brown can still avoid being sunk in unconstitutionality by letting Parliament actually SCRUTINISE the flawed, wasteful ‘Crossrail Bill’.

Gordon Brown can still avoid being sunk in unconstitutionality by letting Parliament actually SCRUTINISE the flawed, wasteful ‘Crossrail Bill’.

Gordon Brown can still avoid being sunk in unconstitutionality by letting Parliament actually SCRUTINISE the flawed, wasteful ‘Crossrail Bill’.

By©Muhammad Haque
2225 Hrs GMT
Friday 30 May 2008

Gordon Brown can still avoid being sunk in unconstitutionality by acting constitutionally and by letting Parliament actually SCRUTINISE the flawed, wasteful ‘Crossrail Bill’.

Even at this stage!

Has Gordon Brown got what it takes?

Instead of cold calling people at AM - or any other time - Brown should pay heed to the communities across the land and behave in accordance with the overwhelming cry for decent standards. Brown should scrap the superfluous, wasteful and plainly thieving hordes of time-servers, reduce the size of the quangos and actually attack the corruptocracy... that Tony Blair with Brown’s collusion, set up If Brown can do these things that most decent and genuine opinion wants to be done by the ‘Government’ then he can still turn things around and stay in office with credibility...

As the Khoodeelaar! campaign has shown time and again, the Crossrail hole scam is not the right answer to the transport needs of London.

Gordon Brown ha got to drop phrases like ‘big infrastructure projects’. He should start to think, talk about and act talk about the needs. And the standards, And the values...

Brown should also encourage something new. Something that I have been calling for ..... And something that most democratic opinion in this country - and beyond - will appreciate.

Can Brown show that he is for a genuinely vibrant season of accountability of the Executive by Parliament?

Will he show this by setting in motion an overdue scrutiny of the Crossrail Bill?

Below is one of the dozens of pieces that I have written and published in the past year showing the need to let Parliament, behave as a scrutinising.....

[To be continued]

Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail hole QUESTIONS to Tower Hamlets Council...

Editor©Muhammad Haque
1635 GMT
Friday 30 may 2008

These began to be put to the Tower Hamlets Council in February 2004.

We have continued the interrogative communications for the 53 months that have followed.

There have been no answers to the questions.

There have been some utterances that have contained some references to aspects only of our questions. But there have been no answers.

How could the be?

the clique that has been in control of the Council - the clique about which there has been no 'news', 'comment' 'letter', except in the one off piece by KHOODEELAAR! during 2007 - has a lot to hide. It is not a legitimate grouping. It is an illegitimate grouping made up of un-elected personnel which dictates the policy to the formally and the actually elected personnel. The controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council not answerable to any legitimate, independent, objective forum or indeed to the people at large in the Borough

The ‘outside’ forum or the local newspaper’ as typified by the ‘East London Idiotiser’ do not raise any questions about that clique.

There is thus an agenda to keep Tower Hamlets corrupt. By all the ‘formal and the de facto agencies’ that make their trade in the name of the ordinary people of the area known as ‘the London Borough of Tower Hamlets’.

This then makes the cause and the case for accountability that much harder to make.

As we shall show in our next examination of the role that the ‘East London Idiotiser’ has been performing for the apparent benefit of ‘Denise Jones’ ‘as leader’...

[To be continued]

When the inner city, 'most deprived' boro’ Tower Hamlets Council is controlled by agents of Big Business, the community can't afford to stand by..

When the inner city, 'most deprived' boro’ Tower Hamlets Council is controlled by agents of Big Business, the community can't afford to stand by..

That is one of the key reasons why the Khoodeelaar! campaign against the CRASSrail hole plot-inviting controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council has been putting so many questions to ‘the Council’.

It is a delicate difference. That between ‘the Council’ and the ‘controlling clique’ on the Council.

Khoodeelaar! ADVOCATES for there to be a legitimate, an honest, a competent, representative and accountable Council that looks after and looks out for the whole community.

That is why we make the distinction between what ought to be. And what in fact is.

That is why we have maintained all along the ethical practice of not naming employees of the Council. Except Owen Whalley and Christine Gilbert. So far.

If we referred to any other employe, that would be only a continuation of already published sources.

As an ethical rule of our own, Khoodeelaar! campaign does not want to see the distinction disappear.

That is our ethical record and position. And our ethical policy.

Does the controlling clique respect the ethics?

Or any ethics?

We shall be updating on the evidence of the controlling clique’s misconduct in promoting the Crassrail hole agenda.

And in the evidence, it will be seen just how lacking i ethics, morality and accountability the controlling clique is, has been. And continues to remain...

And why it is even more necessary now than before that the community campaign against the misrepresentation by Tower Hamlets Council il controlling clique is kept up...

[To be continued]

How undignified are the CRASSrail hole plot peddling stooges in the 'Mother of Parliaments'!!!

We publish, exclusively, as usual, the evidence of an encounter between the 'Crossrail Bill Select Committee' in the 'House of Lords' and an 80 year old objector to Crossrail hole plot. Our report will bring out facts that the official 'records' will not contain.... Do not contain....

Here, soon.

Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail searched in vain for evidence of opposition in UK Parliament....We had to cite Cromwell..!

1510 Hrs GMT 1610 Hrs UK Time London Friday 30 May 2008: KHOODEELAAR! No to Crossrail hole plot UPDATE on Friday 30 May 2008 shows up the charade that is the UK Houses of Parliament..... As seen in the willing servility to the executive as exhibited in the behaviour of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ ‘select committee ‘ fronted by the place man Alan Meale and his ‘opposition’ [what ‘opposition’] place men and place women .... As Khoodeelaar! had predicted in December 2005, within hours of the announcement being made that a ‘select committee’ had been set up, there was no chance in a million years that the ‘select committee’ would allow the evidence against Crossrail to be put on the record before the committee. As we also correctly predicted, the ‘ Crossrail Bill’ ‘select committee’ in the UK House of Commons that had just been announced [December 2005] would behave like a stooge committee. As it in fact did. And we then predicted, in November 2007 when we first became directly involved in communications wit the part of the ‘House of Lords’ concerned with the ‘Crossrail Bill’] that UNLESS some members of the ‘House of Lords’ [what an affront to all of us who do not consider any human being to be worthy of being called a lord!] showed by their conduct that they UNDERSTOOD what the duties of a constitutionally active legislative Upper chamber of a democratic and accountable Parliament had to do and UNLESS they did accordingly and constitutionally and unless they behaved in manifestly honest, intellectually competent, ethically transparent, objectively independent way,,, they would discredit the ‘case for the House of Lords’...

We went on to give them support, encouragement and advice...

We did so in our direct communications as addressed to the bureaucracy set up ‘ within the House of Lords’ for the purpose of ‘the formal treatment of the Crossrail Bill’. As we did in published comments including in those carried in particular on the Times newspaper web site.... And we did so for the simple purpose of backing the movement for democracy in the UK, the movement for accountability in and via Parliament to the people, and in the particular case on the CRASSLY conceived, Big Business-agenda Crossrail scam. And we called for an end to the wasteful plot via Crossrail that was just afoot.... in the ‘Upper House’, ‘ via’ the ‘Upper House’..... We also examined the history of the ‘House of Lords’.. and we referred to Oliver Cromwell... and said that so dire, so empty, so barren has been the field of formally instituted opposition in and via parliament in britain that we looked in vain over records of centuries to find any significant acton that was taken to bring the illegitimate elements that made up the ‘House of Lords’ to book.... as it were... We did all of this in order to tell the servile time servers that we were NOT impressed by their records generally and that unless they showed they were willing to tell the truth about the people’s serious objections against Crossrail they, the ‘House of Lords’ members concerned would go down as contributing yet more to discredit the already largely illegitimate and discredited ‘House’.. And so they have done..... [To be continued]

How Big Business, Bechtel-craved, wasteful, obsolete, City of London-peddled Crossrail hole plot-agents took over the bureaucracy in UK Parliament

How the Big Business, Bechtel-craved, wasteful, obsolete, City of London-peddled Crossrail hole plot-backers took over the bureaucracy in UK Parliament

More, here, soon...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail tells London Timesonline of Tower Hamlets Council adding to deprivation in the East End...

You quote Ms Evora as saying that " anything new will be built for the people who are more wealthy.”That is very true. And the fault for leaving people who are 'less wealthy' or 'not wealthy' at all out, lies with the Blaring lunacy that has been operated through the same Tower Hamlets Council.

For the past at least 10 years, Tower Hamlets Council has been carrying out the destruction of public sector housing. Only this week, word has reached the Khoodeelaar! campaign in defence of the East End of London that the Pauline House, in the Hanbury Street off Brick Lane London E1, is included in a housing transfer scam that Tower Hamlets Council is actively promoting. When looked at in the context of what Caroline Flint has admitted, housing is now being used by the Blaired administration fronted by Gordon Brown to decimate even further the more impoverished of the population in inner city areas like Tower Hamlets. Poverty is being generated via the dismantling of public sector housing entitlements.

The word DEGENERATION is raging to be applied to this programme.

Whatever your famous list of architects have done to deserve recognition, it appears from your report that they are antisocially unaware of the human plight of their fantasy obsession and diversionary intervention.
They ought to be calling fro a halt to proceedings about the brutal beauty parade.

And ask: are the locally elected councils there to be used as extensions for the brutal violation of the fundamental human right to decent and secure housing in a decent and dignified environment?

If they had bothered to look at the neighbourhoods that Tower Hamlets Council has degenerated across the populated parts of the borough, they would find brutal architecture in mobile forms in the shapes of undereducated young people being sacrificed to the freedom to destroy their future and their families....

Human life in the East End of London, it seems. is far too invisible for ‘famous architects’ to notice. Or, indeed, for the allegedly locally elected Council to respect enough for it to stand up to the central Govt and speak up for over housing and humanity...

Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail hole plot-inviting Tower Hamlets Council is also voicing the No to Council smashing housing...

By©Muhammad Haque
0325 Hrs GMT
London Thursday 29 May 2008

The Times online has quoted [a resident] Ms Evora as saying that " anything new will be built for the people who are more wealthy.”

That is very true. And the fault for leaving people who are 'less wealthy' or 'not wealthy' at all out, lies with the Blaring lunacy that has been operated through the same Tower Hamlets Council.

For the past at least 10 years, Tower Hamlets Council has been carrying out the destruction of public sector housing.

Only this week, word has reached the Khoodeelaar! campaign in defence of the East End of London that the Pauline House, in the Hanbury Street off Brick Lane London E1, is included in a housing transfer scam that Tower Hamlets Council is actively promoting.

When looked at in the context of what Caroline Flint has admitted, housing is now being used by the Blaired administration fronted by Gordon Brown to decimate even further the more impoverished of the population in inner city areas like Tower Hamlets. Poverty is being generated via the dismantling of public sector housing entitlements.

The word DEGENERATION is raging to be applied to this programme. Whatever your famous list of architects have done to deserve recognition, it appears from your report that they are antisocially unaware of the human plight of their fantasy obsession and diversionary intervention.

They ought to be calling fro a halt to proceedings about the brutal beauty parade.

And ask: are the locally elected councils there to be used as extensions for the brutal violation of the fundamental human right to decent and secure housing in a decent and dignified environment?

If they had bothered to look at the neighbourhoods that Tower Hamlets Council has degenerated across the populated parts of the borough, they would find brutal architecture in mobile forms in the shapes of undereducated young people being sacrificed to the freedom to destroy their future and their families....

Human life in the East End of London, it seems. is far too invisible for ‘famous architects’ to notice.

Or, indeed, for the allegedly locally elected Council to respect enough for it to stand up to the central Govt and speak up for over housing and humanity...


Khoodeelaar! has said for 54 months that Crossrail is a big business ploy to rob the UK Public.. No 'left' grouping supported us.. What has changed?

The UK 'Left' 'groupings' cannot now start a scare-mongering tactic to compensate for their follies...
after Boris Johnson 'ousted' Livingstone...

Khoodeelaar! asks the 'Socialist Party' why they are faking it when allegedly attacking Ken Livingstone's touting for Big Business...

‘Big Business’ as a two word phrase may have been around before the Crossrail hole plot was launched by Ken Livingstone.

But the KHOODEELAAR! campaign has made the link and has made that link well known in the past 54 months.

No so the ‘Socialist Party’ . Or indeed any of the other so-called socialist outfits in the UK

ALL of these, to varying degrees. colluded with Ken Livingstone and his fake socialist stunts.

They said that Boris Johnson was a joke!

None of them looked seriously at the history of either the Tory Party or indeed of the Blaired parry. If they did then they kept the act to themselves.

As far s the public domain is concerned they ddi not treat the intervention of Boris Johnson at all seriously.

Or indeed the career and the careerism of Ken Livingstone...

The result was that even upto the morning of 2 May 2008, a day after the London Assembly and ‘London mayor’ elections the ‘left’ was still in delusion and was refusing to see that Livingstone had sunk out of ‘power’ at the ****** Hall London SE1.

Now, some of these left outfits are coming out with immature analyses...

Like the one below , taken from the ‘Socialist party’. It is the same outfit that has backed historically the main racist policies of the former Labour Party. The result is that it is party to the current imperialist involvement by the UK..

Khoodeelaar! will look at the ‘Socialist party’ in a later commentary.

For the record, here is what they have published on their web site today Thursday 29 May 2008:

Johnson's Prince of Darkness

LONDON'S NEW Tory mayor Boris Johnson has appointed a ruthless private equity businessman as his "first deputy mayor" in charge of transport. Trade unionists label Tim Parker the 'Prince of Darkness' - Parker has been in charge at the AA, Kwik-Fit and Clarks Shoes and has a reputation for cutting jobs while cutting himself a lucrative deal from the situation.

Parker pocketed £30 million for himself out of AA when he left last year after sacking a third of the workforce and saddling AA/SAGA with £4.8 billion of debt. He arrived in his own Porsche to sack workers at Clark's shoes in Somerset. He made £25 million from his sacking spree at Kwik-Fit. Parker's so rich, he can afford to work for a £1 salary - obviously anticipating more such 'good tidings' in future.

Johnson pledged in the Greater London elections to sign a 'no-strike deal' with London's transport unions, which the unions oppose. Parker's appointment signals Johnson's readiness, at some stage, to attack the strength of these unions, in particular the militant RMT union on the tubes. The contradiction between public transport and private profit, already increased by the public private partnership (PPP) scheme in London Underground, will become even sharper.

RMT general secretary Bob Crow, said: "The world's finest metro system does not need an asset-stripper or a Prince of Darkness. Tube users and workers have already had more than a bellyful of privatisation with the huge waste and failure of the PPP and the collapse of private tube firm Metronet."

Unfortunately former mayor Ken Livingstone started the move towards big business running London's tubes. He refused to fight the Labour government's private public partnership plans and appointed a former union-buster Bob Kylie as his own transport supremo with a huge salary plus £2 million when he left in 2006.

The unions (and transport users) should now take note of Johnson's plans and prepare for stormy times ahead.

Khoodeelaar! focussing on the unconstitutionality of conduct by UK executive, as well as by the bureaucracy that controls the UK Houses of Parliament

By©Muhammad Haque
1900 Hrs GMT
2000 Hrs UK Time
London Wednesday 28 May 2008

If Tom Harris, the Crossrail hole plot ‘minister’ [the UK department ‘for’ Transport, the Daft ‘DfT’ - fronted by Ruth Kelly in Gordon Brown’s current ‘cabinet’] is an insult to the intelligence, then there are other specimen of insult to people's’ intelligence that can be found in the UK House of Commons. And in the UK ‘legislative’ [!!!!!!] ‘House of Lords, come to that.

Why is Tom Harris an insult to the intelligence?

Because he talks leis. He talks unconstitutionality . He talks untruths.

As do ALL the ministers - and whips.

So what is the answer?

The constitutional l law answer is to expose them as being in breach of the constitution The first Principe of constitutionality is that the executive will tell the truth. And nothing but the truth.

In the international context. In the un universal context.

This is order that the people - the presumed, the assumed and the actual proprietors of the de facto republic [!!!!!!] [= in the UK state]

The second acton is of cooers equally frustrating. At the polls. But the UK electoral system itself is no respecter of morality. Not really.

So the third option - which is to expose these liars and to make them the subject of pub lic ridicule. Not because of who they are. But because of their insult to the people...

Harris has been talking a predictably dishonest, antidemocratic, undemocratic , antisocial and unconstitutional package of untruths about the Crossrail hole package.

He has done so whilst the Bill was getting the ‘Third Reading’ in the House of commons. He did so as it was formally passed on to the so-called ‘reviewing’ slot in the House of Lords.

As soon as I spotted the first published instance of Harris’s insult to constitutionality and for Crossrail hole agenda, I published and pointed out that Harris was wrong and that he was behaving in violation of the constitutional duties that every ‘minister’ was under.... And I said that he was undermining the constitutional ‘integrity’ of the UK ‘legislative’ House of Lords...

ASSUMING in a significant way with capital letters that the “legislative’ House of Lords is worthy of being given the recognition of having any integrity whatever....

Going by the behaviour of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ Select Committee, integrity would be the last thing that the ‘House of Lords’ would deserve...

And that is why my advocacy - in DECEMBER 2007 AND JANUARY 2008 [AND ON OTHER DATES] of the theoretical cause of the House of Lords as a legislative part of an ethically OPERATING Parliament, was not followed up by the constitutional conduct by the Select Committee....

And Tom Harris’s remarks were not OPPOSED by anyone in the House of Lords. Or indeed, anyone in any p[art of the UK parliament

Or in the UK ‘mainstream’ UK media.

Or elsewhere...
Mainstream, semi-stream side-stream. On any stream.

What does that tell us about the state of democracy and the state and the quality of discourse about that state in the Uk today?

What quality when there is NO discourse!

[To be continued]

KHOODEELAAR! the inner city, East End of London CAMPAIGN AGAINST unconstitutionality by Crossrail cliques

By©Muhammad Haque
1454 Hrs GMT
London Wednesday 28 May 2008

What is the evidence that justifies the KHOODEELAAR! campaign against the Crossrail hole plot-inviting Tower Hamlets Council DESCRIBING the controlling clique as corrupt?

There is not just one piece of evidence. There are countless items of evidence.

The sum of the evidence both shows that the clique is engaged in wrong conduct about Crossrail. And that it is also engaged in wrong conduct about the overall, the general duties it has towards the people in the Borough of Tower Hamlets about other aspects of life that relate to the duties of a local council.

One of the persistent patterns of the lying behaviour by the corrupt clique on the Tower Hamlets 'locally elected' [!!!!!!!] Council has been their refusal to observe basic standards of ethics and behaviour. Ethics and standards of behaviour that on paper any 'locally elected council' 'administration' would be expected to practise and respect.

And how deep, complete, has been the evidence of the Tower Hamlets Council’s wrong and wrongful behaviour?

As deep as the numbers of years over which the clique has been in control. As deep as the particulars and as extensive as the details of the claque’s collusion with Big Business proponents who have got in league with the Tower ~Hamlets Council with the aim of taking over the land and the spaces in the East End of London under covers of plausible projects but in reality for the benefit of Big Business And to benefit the City of London-linked exploiters at the expense of the people of the East End of London the ordinary population in the borough in the end.

This is seen in the dishonest behaviour of the clique that was fronted by Christine Gilbert at the time.

Gilbert as chief executive in the Council made a most untrue assertion about the actual policy of the clique on Crossrail.

This concerned the so-called cabinet meeting of 6 October 2004.

The Khoodeelaar! campaign observed the meeting and it was clear that the community’s serious opposition to the Council’s collusion with the Crossrail scam [it was not a Bill in Parliament yet - that took place nearly 4 months later] was being sidelined by the clique.

So the Khoodeelaar! campaign organised for the relevant aspect of the community's questions to be put to Christine Gilbert in the context of the clique's conduct.

It was never expected that Gilbert would come out with an admission that her clique was in the wrong. Or that the clique had let the community down. But it was essential for the purpose of extensive evidential processing of her conduct that she was given the opportunity to come clean and admit that her clique had indeed been in the wrong.

Regardless of the actual final position Gilbert would take on the subject under reference, it was expected that she should show normal courtesy and behave in accordance with the rules that require the ‘chief officer’ of the local council to properly and timely acknowledge communications she received.

What did Gilbert do?

Did she behave in accordance with the standards expected of the town clerk?

She behaved with undue delay.

She pretended that she had not received the communications containing the questions.

Was that exceptional?

The answer, on the facts, is that NO.

CHRISTINE Gilbert behaved with the same prejudice and with the same lack of accountability towards the whole population in Tower Hamlets that had been the feature of the Tower Hamlets Council controlling clique for decades.

That is why the KHOODEELAAR! campaign has had to establish new criteria so that the history of neglect as shown by the ‘elected’ local council to the people in whose name the council is ‘elected’ is not repeated. That the people are offered accountable representation by the ‘elected’ council.

That was the only way in which the community’s interests could be defended.

That was the only way that the Crossrail hole attacks could be stopped.

Christine Gilbert behaved with no regard for the constitutional duties of the local Council. She behaved opportunistically and on the assumption that there would no ‘issue made on the floor of the council’ by any of the ‘elected members on the 'Tower Hamlets Council'’.

She showed no recognition of the fact that her conduct, her role and the implications of her conduct and of her role could indeed be challenged in court.

Or did she think that the Khoodeelaar! campaign notes to her and to her clique saying that a time would come when their abuse of power and their collusion with the agenda of the Big Business would be challenged in court was not part of the real programme of action ?

How similar was Christine Gilbert’s disrespect to the ordinary codes of ethical, accountable behaviour to the disrespect shown to ethics, morality and the norms of constitutionality by the bureaucracy set up in the name of the ‘House of Lords’ that has been in fact peddling the Crossrail hole plotting agenda desired by Big Business, a la Bechtel of USA ?

[To be continued]

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

If Gordon Brown makes YET ANOTHER U-turn on the budget and 'SCRAPS' the 'fuel tax' then he can SCRAP anything. Especially Crossrail that is wasteful

1650 Hrs GMT 1750 UK Time London Tuesday 27 May 2008: Khoodeelaar! the constitutional law Campaign against the ‘Crossrail hole Bill’ [the ‘Crossrail Bill’, now in the UK ‘legislative’ ! ‘House of Lords’], continuing to dissect the Big Business, anti-constitutional, antidemocratic manipulations of ‘parliament’, the Big Business-influenced sabotage, defiance, violation of due process in the UK Parliament and the Big Businesses, Military Industrial Complex-lobbyed lies being peddled via the bureaucracy of the ‘House of Lords Crossrail Bill Select Committee’; KHOODEELAARR! again advising Gordon Brown to scrap the wasteful, sham CROSSRAIL hole plot Bill NOW..... Especially as the word ‘SCRAP’ is being used in a separate TRANSPORT issue related piece in today’s EVENING no standards STANDARD [see TEXTS REPRODUCED BELOW].. We shall expose the EVENING STANDARD’s own lack of standards when [peddling the CRASSrail hole plot. They have NEVER called on Brown to SCRAP that !!! We assess the ‘difference; between the EVENING STANDARD’s use of ‘scrap’ in relation a fuel-related measure in the ‘budget’ and the same paper’s failure, refusal to use the word SCRAP: about Crosaseail [To be continued]

Last updated at 16:27pm on 27.05.08
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Two Cabinet ministers paved the way for a Budget U-turn on car taxes today as the Government struggled to halt the slide in its popularity.
Justice Secretary Jack Straw and Business Secretary John Hutton stressed that there would be a fresh look at Budget plans to raise vehicle excise duty by up to £200.
Labour insiders are prepared to ditch the most controversial element of the scheme - to impose a retrospective tax on cars bought between 2001 and 2006.
The change could come in the pre-Budget report in the autumn, although it is possible it could be announced even earlier.
Rebel MPs are pushing the Treasury to stop the damage to Labour by using the final days of the committee stage of the Finance Bill next month to signal that some of the rises planned for next year and 2010 will not go ahead.
Amid fears of a fresh revolt by Labour MPs, Mr Straw said ministers were 'listening to public concerns'.
He added: 'It's already been made clear in respect of vehicle excise duty, that's the car tax, that this is not due to come into force by next April.
'If there are going to be decisions about this, they could be announced in the autumn statement. It's very important that we take proper measures and we judge things properly.'
Similarly, Mr Hutton - referring to the climbdown over scrapping the 10p tax rate - said the Chancellor was 'listening to what people are saying as he has done on a number of occasions recently about tax rises'.
The Business Secretary added: 'People are concerned about it and it is right that we listen to people's concerns.'

Jack Straw and John Hutton have both hinted there could be a U-turn on road tax
Next week a delegation of rebel Labour MPs will meet Mr Darling to voice concerns over backdating the increases in vehicle excise duty to all cars bought between 2001 and 2006.
The move, which was championed as a 'green' tax, will hit seven out of ten motorists, including the owners of popular family cars and small runarounds.
Gordon Brown is facing a fresh backbench rebellion over the plans, which would see seven out of ten motorists hit by higher road taxes.
Mr Hutton said: 'We are trying to get this balance right between encouraging choices to go green but not hammering people.'
Asked about today's action by hauliers, he added: 'Again, the Chancellor has got to take all that into account ... people have the right to protest.'
Hundreds of truckers descended on London in protest at rising fuel costs, amid fresh concerns among MPs about the Government's proposed road tax changes.
Depending on their car engine emissions, millions of drivers will have to pay hundreds of pounds more per year under Budget proposals that kick in in 2009.
Rebel MPs are particularly unhappy the road tax increases will now apply retrospectively and are warning the issue could be as damaging as the 10p tax row.
Mr Darling is set to hold two crisis meetings with backbench Labour MPs next month in a bid to head off the revolt.
Sources close to him today said he was 'very aware' of backbench concerns that the increase could damage the party's waning popularity still further.
At present, motorists are exempt from the top tax band if their car was bought before 2006 but the Budget tax rises - claimed to be a 'green' tax - apply to all vehicles bought between 2001 and 2006.
A host of family cars bought before March 2006 - many used every day for the school run - will see their road tax double from £210 to more than £430.
These include the Vauxhall Zafira 2.0i, the Vauxhall Vectra 2.8i V6 Turbo, the Renault Espace 2.0 Turbo 170, the Ford Galaxy 2.3i Zetec, the VW Passat 3.2 estate and the Honda Accord Tourer 2.4.
According to tax experts, Nissan Micra owners will pay 24 per cent more while the bill for a gas-guzzling Hummer will go up only 14 per cent.

Retrospective: The Budget tax rises apply to all cars bought between 2001 and 2006 as well as new vehicles
Backbenchers warned Gordon Brown and Mr Darling that the issue was so explosive it could match the storm surrounding the abolition of the 10p tax band which saw a Government U-turn and a £2.7billion climbdown.
The rebellion risks further undermining the Prime Minister's authority as he fights to head off a leadership crisis, the row over holding terror suspects for 42 days and fears of a Cabinet resignation over embryology laws.
In the new case of backbenchers flexing their muscles, 42 MPs - 35 of them Labour - have backed a Commons motion from Ronnie Campbell urging ministers to reconsider the car tax.
'It is unfair on people who bought their cars a few years ago not knowing that the Government were going to put this road tax on,' the MP for Blyth Valley said.
'When people get their road tax letter through the door next year and find they have got an extra £200 to pay - well, I don't have to say any more, do I? The motorist is taking the brunt again.'

Rebellion: Labour MP Ronnie Campbell has tabled an amendment asking the Government to reconsider the road tax
The new taxes threaten to wipe thousands of pounds off the value of most cars when they come to be sold.
And from 2010 motorists face a 'showroom tax' of up to £950 when they buy a new car to discourage them from choosing high polluting vehicles.
Labour MP Rob Marris, a junior member of the Government, said there was a 'significant risk' the issue would outstrip the storm over the 10p starting rate of tax.
'It is retrospective taxation and that is undesirable,' he added.
'Millions of people will be affected. Medium- sized family cars, depending on what sort of engine they have got and what size of CO2 emissions they have got, could be hit very hard.'
Greenpeace executive director John Sauven said: 'There are ways around the fuel price increases that are good news for the climate and good news for drivers' pockets.
'Keeping your speed below 55 can save more money than the recent price hikes and cut CO2 as well.
'But in the long run the Government needs to force car manufacturers to build more efficient vehicles.
'As it is Gordon Brown has failed to take a lead in Brussels where talks on vehicle efficiency are coming to head.'
Neil Greig of the Institute of Advanced Motorists said: 'This will affect millions of motorists and is particularly unfair to those who bought a car based on the size of their family and will now be hit with a tax they weren't expecting.'

Catch-22: A U-turn could make Gordon Brown's leadership look even weaker but without a change of heart, he risks a damaging backbench rebellion
A delegation of rebels will meet the Chancellor when MPs return to Westminster next week.
Mr Marris told the BBC: 'I shall be urging Alistair Darling to have a rethink. There is still time to have discussions and I hope they will be fruitful.'
Under the existing system, cars are divided into seven bands for vehicle excise duty ranging from £300 to zero depending on greenhouse gas emissions.
From next April, there will be 13 groups with the highest cost of road tax increased to £440 and some family models will move up several bands, leaving the middle classes to bear the brunt of the changes.
Rises for small runabouts will also outstrip those for Rolls Royces and Porsches, demolishing Government claims that it is a "green" tax.
Last night Matthew Elliott, of the Taxpayers' Alliance, said: 'Now the credit crunch has hit people's pockets, there's no longer any public appetite for higher green taxes.'
A Treasury source told the Mail: 'Alistair knows it is a cause for concern and he very readily agreed to meet these MPs and hear those concerns.
'But he will be will be very disinclined to do anything, whatever it is, before the pre-Budget report in the autumn.
'He has to look at the whole thing in the round. He is already looking for £2.7billion and it ain't easy.
But Environment Minister Joan Ruddock made clear the Government would not be forced into another tax U-turn.
'These things are all a matter of balance,' she said.
'What we cannot afford to do is to lose sight of the environmental agenda because this is everybody's future. This is the future of the planet.'
Mr Campbell, speaking on Radio 4's The World at One, also urged Mr Darling to drop the planned 2p increase in fuel duty in October.
'People just at this moment can't afford it. They really are feeling the pinch,' he said.
A Treasury spokesman said the aim of the road tax reforms was 'to ensure that people gain financially by choosing the car that pollutes the least.
'For 24 out of the 30 most popular models bought in 2006, drivers will generally pay lower rates than they do now.'
It is another headache for Mr Brown, who was warned by civil liberty rebels that he still faces a battle over his proposals to detain terror suspects.
On top of that, Transport Secretary Ruth Kelly, a Roman Catholic, is reported to be planning to defy the Prime Minister by refusing to vote for his plans to extend embryo research.
• The French President today declared the European Union should consider capping sales tax on fuel products if oil prices rise further.
Nicolas Sarkozy also suggested siphoning off extra revenues from taxes on petrol to create a new fun for professionals hardest hit by the jump in energy prices.
He told RTL radio there was no sign the price of oil was going to fall and said the EU should consider a joint approach to the problem.
'If the price of a barrel of oil continues to rise, are we going to allow VAT (sales tax) to keep rising proportionally? My proposal is that we should stabilise it,' he said.
Such a move would need the approval of all 27 EU member states and could not be introduced unilaterally.

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Here's a sample of the latest views published. You can click view all to read all views that readers have sent in.
Panic sweeps through the Labour party and the budget is re-written (10p fiasco), then re-written again (fuel duty), and presumably will be re-written again in the next few weeks. Gordon Brown's claims to economic competence are in tatters.

- Ian, London
Simple solution to high fuel prices: Walk.

There is no limit to how much oil countries can charge for oil, because the alternative is so harsh. So if petrol doubles or triples in price you will still pay for it because its a comparative bargain. One barrel of oil is equivalent to 7 man years of work.

- Peter, Battersea
I'm all for green initiatives and sometime we do need to be pushed, however, while the country's transport links and infrastructure are so poor and in such disarray, this seems ill thought out and badly planned.

- Jamie, London


The already questionable, sub-legitimate status in society of the 'House of Lords' has been made even worse by their Crossrail-peddling lies....

By©Muhammad Haque
1150 Hrs GMT
London Tuesday 27 May 2008

The already questionable, sub-legitimate status in society of the 'House of Lords' has been made even worse by their Crossrail-peddling lies....

Why is the UK 'legislative' 'House of Lords' a discredited part of the 'British Parliament' ?

The immediate answer is that in a so-called official first report published dated today 27 May 2008, the 'House of Lords Crossrail Bill Select Committee' makes a totally untruthful statement about objectors against the Crossrail Bill.

Khoodeelaar! will be, as we have announce this morning, dissecting the role of the select committee and of the other parts in the course of this week.

We start by exposing the latest utterance of abject lie and unconstitutionality by the report published today in the name of the 'House of Lords Crossrail Bill Select Committee'
It states as follows:-


32. Some Petitioners chose not to appear and some withdrew their petitions after satisfactory negotiations with the Promoter of the Bill. We were pleased that a sizeable number of Petitioners were able to settle with the Promoter in this way and we are grateful to the specialist experts employed by Crossrail on noise, settlement and compensation issues particularly, Mr Rupert Thornely-Taylor, Professor Robert Mair and Mr Colin Smith respectively, for their work with Petitioners and for their explanation of issues to the Committee and to those Petitioners who did appear.

The utterance that " Some Petitioners chose not to appear" is a lie. For it has ben made in the fullest knowledge on the part of the select committee members and its bureaucracy concerned of the literally thousands of statements made by Khoodeelaar! stating that we were OBSTRUCTED from putting our objections in person before the Select Committee.

In the next parts, we shall show AGAIN and with updates [since our last reports] how the obstructions were operated by and by the 'House of Lords Crossrail Bill Select Committee' bureaucracy that has been promoting the agenda of Big Business, Bechtel and City of London interests...

[To be continued]

KHOODEELAAR! the inner city, East End of London CAMPAIGN AGAINST Big Business 'Crossrail' trojan horse for looting UK public of £Billions...

0810 Hrs GMT 0910 Hrs UK Time London Tuesday 27 May 2008: KHOODEELAAR! NO to Crossrail Bill [now in the UK legislative House fo Lords] ; KHOODEELAAR! the inner city, East End of London CAMPAIGN AGAINST Big Business trojan horse for looting the public of £Billions under covers of ‘Crossrail’, updating the constitutional law dissection of the corrupt state of ‘parliamentary scrutiny’ ..... And updating on the legal acton programme against the corrupt bureaucracy that has been sabotaging any parliamentary scrutiny fo the Crossrail Bill....

[To be continued]

There have been 113 listed objections [called 'petitions'] against the ‘Crossrail Bill’. The Khoodeelaar! objection is listed at 113. The last on the list. Although the objection is listed in the name of KHOODEELAAR! the objection is also backed by all four constituent [parts of the Khoodeelaar! campaign area. That is, people from Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Bethnal Green ‘south’ and Stepney signed the prescribed form and reiterated their authorisation of and support for KHOODEELAAR! representation of ALL their opposition to the ‘Crossrail Bill’. All ordinary walks fo life have been represented in the Khoodeelaar! constitutional law objections to the ‘Crossrail Bill’.
The actual document as published on the House fo Lords web site [see the document by following the link to KHOODEELAAR!, below] contains only the briefest of points against the ‘Crossrail, Bill’. The details of the objections have been put to the House fo Lords. And also published on the web sites of the Items newspaper and of other external publishers, publications and outlets. We shall be taking a detailed updater look at all the key events. In the coming parts

House of Lords
Session 2007 - 08
Publications on the internet
Crossrail Bill

Name of Petition
By whom deposited
1. James Middleton
James Middleton
2. Domaine Developments Limited
Sharpe Pritchard
3. Mintel International Group Limited 
Sharpe Pritchard
4. Roy Alfred Carrier  
Roy Alfred Carrier
5. Leo F. Walters  
Leo F. Walters
6. Paddington Residents' Active Concern on Transport (“PRACT”)  
John Zamit
7. John Payne  
John Payne
8. Patricia Mary Singleton  
Patricia Mary Singleton
9. Hutchison Ports (UK) Limited, The Felixstowe Dock and Railway Company, Harwich International Port Limited and Maritime Transport Services Limited  
Howard Bassford
10. Iver Parish Council; The Rambler’s Association; and The Open Spaces Society  
Eugene Suggett
11. Greene King Retailing Limited and Greene King Neighbourhood Estate Pubs Limited  
Bircham Dyson Bell
12. BAA Limited, Heathrow Airport Limited and Heathrow Express Operating Co Limited  
Bircham Dyson Bell
13. Bonhams 1793 Limited and 101 New Bond Street Limited  
Bircham Dyson Bell
14. Sir John Cass's Foundation  
Bircham Dyson Bell
15. Association of West India Dock Commercial Ship Owners  
Julian Cartwright
16. Lancaster Investments 
Peter Purvis
17. Greater London Offices (Old Broad Street) Limited  
Peter Purvis
18. Patricia Gaynor Jones  
Patricia Gaynor Jones
19. The Spitalfields Society  
Patricia Gaynor Jones
20. Selina Mifsud and others  
Rupert Wheeler
21. Ainscough Crane Hire Limited 
Philip Maude
22. Nicholas Morse and others  
Roy Adams
23. Smithfield Market Tenants’ Association  
Clifford Tibber
24. Gray’s Waste Services Limited  
Vizards Tweedie LLP
25. Possfund Custodian Trustee Limited 
Vizards Tweedie LLP
26. Scottish Widows plc and Scottish Widows Fund and Life Assurance Society  
Vizards Tweedie LLP
27. Jean Lambert MEP and others  
Alan Francis
28. Coal Pension Properties Limited 
Bircham Dyson Bell
29. Three Valleys Water plc  
Bircham Dyson Bell
30. EMI Music Publishing Limited  
Bircham Dyson Bell
31. Buccleuch Property Fund (Hayes) Limited  
Bircham Dyson Bell
32. Mendip Rail Limited  
Bircham Dyson Bell
33. The Freight Transport Association Limited  
Bircham Dyson Bell
34. The Rail Freight Group  
Bircham Dyson Bell
35. Residents Society of Mayfair and St James’s Mayfair Action Group  
Marina Morrison Atwater
36. David Duncan Coode Monro and Adam Scott 
Jeremy Pickering
37. Great Western Studios Management Ltd 
Adam Withington
38. David James Saunderson 
David James Saunderson
39. Maidenhead Civic Society 
Mrs Christina Sell
40. Westbourne Park Villas Residents Association 
Lady Margot Bright
41. Port of London Authority 
Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP
42. Tesco Stores Limited; Tesco Property Holdings Limited; Tesco Red (Nominee 1) Limited; and Tesco Red (Nominee 2) Limited 
Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP
43. Tesco Pensions Trustees Limited 
Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP
44. London Borough of Bexley 
Sharpe Pritchard
45. Brentwood Borough Council 
Sharpe Pritchard
46. British Board of Film Classification 
Sharpe Pritchard
47. Camden London Borough Council 
Sharpe Pritchard
48. Canary Wharf Group plc 
Sharpe Pritchard
49. Ferrotec (UK) Limited 
Sharpe Pritchard
50. Grand Central Studios Limited 
Sharpe Pritchard
51. Lamborfore Management Limited 
Sharpe Pritchard
52. Council of the London Borough of Havering 
Sharpe Pritchard
53. Council of the London Borough of Newham 
Sharpe Pritchard
54. Council of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea 
Sharpe Pritchard
55. Seymour Development Limited 
Sharpe Pritchard
56. Westminster City Council 
Sharpe Pritchard
57. Council of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead 
Sharpe Pritchard
58. Wood Wharf (General Partner) Limited 
Sharpe Pritchard
59. Landor (Dundee Wharf) Limited (1) Landor Residential Limited (2) and Ballymore Ontario Limited (3) Fortress Limited  
Sharpe Pritchard
60. Fortress Limited 
Sharpe Pritchard
61. London Borough of Hillingdon 
Sharpe Pritchard
62. Trustees of the SS Robin Trust 
Jim Fitzpatrick MP
63. City Aviation Properties Limited 
SJ Berwin LLP
64. London City Airport Limited  
SJ Berwin LLP
65. Marketspur Limited 
SJ Berwin LLP
66. Eleanor Street Travellers All Residents Group 
Marian Mahoney
67. Bond Street Investments Limited 
Bircham Dyson Bell
68. ATOC Ltd - Association of Train Operating Companies 
Bircham Dyson Bell
69. B S Services (Hayes) Limited and Leemark Engineering (Hayes) Limited 
Bircham Dyson Bell
70. Land Securities plc; LS Portfolio Investments Limited; LS ONC Holdings Limited; and LS Victoria Properties Limited 
Bircham Dyson Bell
71. Royal Docks Management Authority Ltd 
Bircham Dyson Bell
72. Quarry Products Association Ltd 
Bircham Dyson Bell
73. Tilfen Land Ltd 
Bircham Dyson Bell
74. Tarmac Ltd 
Bircham Dyson Bell
75. Kingsgate London Properties 
Bircham Dyson Bell
76. South West Regional Assembly 
Bircham Dyson Bell
77. Consolidated Developments Ltd 
Bircham Dyson Bell
78. Hammerson (Paddington) Limited and Domaine Developments Limited 
Bircham Dyson Bell
79. Mr Lloyd Christopher Biscoe as liquidator for JTA Joinery Limited 
Bircham Dyson Bell
80. EDF Energy Networks Ltd 
Bircham Dyson Bell
81. BNP Paribas Jersey Unit Trust Corporation Limited and Anley Trustees Limited as Trustees of Henderson Central London Office Fund 
Bircham Dyson Bell
82. Standard Life Investments Limited 
Bircham Dyson Bell
83. Aggregate Industries (UK) Limited; London Concrete Limited; and Plasmor Limited 
Bircham Dyson Bell
84. British Land Company plc 
Bircham Dyson Bell
85. Habitat UK Limited 
Bircham Dyson Bell
86. The Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets 
Bircham Dyson Bell
87. National Grid Property Limited 
Bircham Dyson Bell
88. Centrewest London Buses Limited 
Burges Salmon LLP
89. Centrewest London Buses Limited 
Burges Salmon LLP
90. First Greater Western Limited 
Burges Salmon LLP
91. FirstGroup plc and behalf of its subsidiaries First Greater Western Limited and Centrewest London Buses Limited 
Burges Salmon LLP
92. City of London Corporation 
City Remembrancer
93. CTC - Cyclists Touring Club 
Chris Peck
94. Bombardier Transportation UK Limited 
Pinsent Masons
95. The Spitalfields Community Association 
Jil Cove
96. Woodseer and Hanbury Residents Association 
Guy Carpenter
97. The Crossrail Coalition of Residents and Petitioners (The Coalition) 
Guy Carpenter
98. Blaxmill Limited 
Denton Wilde Sapte LLP
99. Staffordshire County Council 
Bircham Dyson Bell
100. Everest Properties Limited 
Bircham Dyson Bell
101. The Moor House Limited Partnership 
Bircham Dyson Bell
102. Freightliner Group Limited 
Bircham Dyson Bell
103. English Welsh & Scottish Railway Limited 
Bircham Dyson Bell
104. Souzel Properties Limited 
Bircham Dyson Bell
105. The Brewery Trust 
Bircham Dyson Bell
106. British Waterways Board 
Bircham Dyson Bell
107. Great Portland Estates plc and others 
Bircham Dyson Bell
108. Summerpark Homes Limited 
Bircham Dyson Bell
109. The Prudential Assurance Company Limited 
Bircham Dyson Bell
110. Network Rail Infrastructure Limited 
Bircham Dyson Bell
111. Spitalfields Small Business Association Ltd 
Kay Jordan
112. Michael Pritchett 
Michael Pritchett
113. Khoodeelaar! 
Muhammad Haque


KHOODEELAAR! the inner city, East End of London CAMPAIGN AGAINST Big Business 'Crossrail' trojan horse for looting UK public of £Billions...

KHOODEELAAR! the inner city, East End of London CAMPAIGN AGAINST Big Business trojan horse for looting the public of £Billions under covers of ‘Crossrail’

Monday, May 26, 2008

Khoodeelaar! constitutional law opposition to the 'Crossrail Bill' [UK 'House of Lords'] will now be taken to the European Court -

By©Muhammad Haque
2258 Hrs GMT
['Bank Holiday'] Monday
26 May 2008

Gordon Brown today should spare a moment and reflect about the consequences of allowing Big Business CRASSrail hole plot agenda to be given any more GOVT backing. And so should Alistair darling,. Brown’s finance front man in the cabinet. As Darling meets with the alleged ‘30 rebel MPs’ representatives to talk about averting yet another ‘rebellion’, he should consider what he would do if the Khoodeelaar! campaign h as many MPs backing us....

That there are no numbers of MPs supporting the campaign against the Crossrail hole plot must not delude Alistair Darling into thinking that we are any less important .....

Or that we are any less influential over what happens to their administration..

We are about to do what we have been promising for 54 months we would do if the CRASSrail, hole plot is not scrapped: go to court......

Procedures have delayed any court action upto now....

And Alistair Darling should recognise this - a court action has been known to have caused a previous UK Government to scrap an Act of Parliament.....

And the present ‘Crossrail Bill’ is, still, as I write, only a Bill.. a draft piece of dubious legislation..... So it should be far more easy to scrap this Bill than an Act of Parliament.....

The noise that a court action of that magnitude may generate will indeed be quite audible...

Does Brown need that?

[To be continued]

Khoodeelaar! constitutional law opposition to the 'Crossrail Bill' [UK 'House of Lords'] will now be taken to the European Court -

By©Muhammad Haque
2258 Hrs GMT
['Bank Holiday'] Monday
26 May 2008

Gordon Brown today should spare a moment and reflect about the consequences of allowing Big Business CRASSrail hole plot agenda to be given any more GOVT backing. And so should Alistair darling,. Brown’s finance front man in the cabinet. As Darling meets with the alleged ‘30 rebel MPs’ representatives top talk about averting yet another ‘rebellion’, he should consider what he would do if the Khoodeelaar! campaign h as many MPs backing us....

That there are no numbers of MPs supporting the campaign against the Crossrail hole plot must not delude Alistair Darling into thinking that we are any less important .....

Or that we are any less influential over what happens to their administration..

We are about to do what we have been promising for 54 months we would do if the CRASSrail, hole plot is not scrapped: go to court......

Procedures have delayed any court action upto now....

And Alistair Darling should recognise this - a court action has been known to have caused a previous UK Government to scrap an Act of Parliament.....

And the present ‘Crossrail Bill’ is, still, as I write, only a Bill.. a draft piece of dubious legislation..... So it should be far more easy to scrap this Bill than an Act of Parliament.....

The noise that a court action of that magnitude may generate will indeed be quite audible...

Does Brown need that?

[To be continued]

Khoodeelaar! constitutional law opposition to the 'Crossrail Bill' [UK 'House of Lords'] will now be taken to the European Court -

By©Muhammad Haque
2258 Hrs GMT
['Bank Holiday'] Monday
26 May 2008

Gordon Brown toady should be spare a moment and reflect about the consequences of allowing Big Business CRASSrail hole plot agenda to be given any more GOVT backing. And so should Alistair darling,. Brown’s finance front man in the cabinet. As Darling meets with the alleged ‘30 rebel MPs’ representatives top talk about averting yet another ‘rebellion’, he should consider what he would do if the Khoodeelaar! campaign h as many MPs backing us....

That there are no numbers of MPs supporting the campaign against the Crossrail hole plot must not delude Alistair Darling into thinking that we are any less important .....

Or that we are any less influential over what happens to their administration..

We are about to do what we have been promising for 54 months we would do if the CRASSrail, hole plot is not scrapped: go to court......

Procedures have delayed any court acton up[to now....

And Alistair Darling should recognise this - a court action has been known to have caused a previous UK Government to scrap an Act of Parliament.....

And the present ‘Crossrail Bill’ is, still, as I write, only a Bill.. a draft piece of dubious legislation..... So it should be far more easy to scrap this Bill than an Act of Parliament.....

The noise that a court action of that magnitude may generate will indeed be quite audible...

Does Brown need that?

[To be continued]pppppppppopl0

Khoodeelaar! constitutional law opposition to the 'Crossrail Bill' [UK 'House of Lords'] shows Gordon Brown how to establish trust by transparency...

1712 Hrs GMT 1812 Hrs UK Time London [‘Bank Holiday’] Monday 26 May 2008: KHOODEELAAR! the constitutional law action against ‘Crossrail hole plot’; KHOODEELAAR! the Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Bethnal Green ‘South’ and Stepney London E1 Area CAMPAIGN against the Crossrail hole plot, has been arguing for transparency in the conduct of the ‘locally elected’ ‘London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council’. We have been doing this since 31 January 2004.. We have established archives of acton communication addressed to the crucially Crossrail hole plot-inviting role player ‘ chief executive’ [in post in that Council at the time, Christine Gilbert, who was rehabilitated by by Tony Blair and installed at OFSTED after KHOODEELAAR! campaigned for more than two years for her removal on grounds of incompetence,, negligence, falsehood and suppression of evidence and of unlawfully abusing her position ] .... Khoodeelaar! put the focus on the behaviour of the controlling clique by first asking them questions about what they were getting up to in furthering the Big Business Crossrail hole plot agenda against the East End of London. We followed that up on each occasion by then demanding that the controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council show legal ground [if any - there was never any, so they never could produce any] on which they had been misbehaving against the community and then when they failed to show any legal ground justifying their misbehaviour, Khoodeelaar! demanded that the perpetrators concerned be disciplined in accordance with the law... That has been the sequence of events in relation to each aspect of the controlling clique's misconduct against the local community and for the Big Business agenda. That approach by Khoodeelaar! has been only one of several constitutional law programmes that the Khoodeelaar! campaign has been carrying out in order to prevent the UNREPRESENTATIVE ‘elected’ [!!!!!!!!!!] local council from doing the damages against the community that it would otherwise do... damages that the particular,persistent pattern of composition of the ‘local’ Tower Hamlets Council has made it prone to do...
As part of the transparent policy adopted voluntarily from the every start, Khoodeelaar! has been publishing all the key materials on the internet and in our printed KHOODEELAAR! bulletin since February 2004.

Here is a constitutional law action e-mail as Khoodeelaar! sent to Tower Hamlets Council il on friday 7 march 2008:

“Dear [Tower Hamlets Council senior employee]

As I stated in my telephone call to you at 1700 Hrs
today I am sending you this e-mail and to say:

This is to confirm that the Khoodeelaar! campaign against the
Crossrail hole Bill, in its scheduled presentation to
the legislative House of Lords Crossrail Bill Select
Committee later this month will make extensive
references to the role and the conduct of Tower
Hamlets Council and that as of today, Friday 7 March
2008, we have not received the promised and the
overdue response to or replies to our outstanding
questions about the evidence and the factual and the
complete history of the Council’s role in all aspects
of the matter to do with Crossrail so far. In the
absence of the information despite our
contemporaneously requesting all relevant disclosures
from and by Tower Hamlets Borough Council throughout
the 52 months [so far] of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign,
we shall also refer to the series of excuses and the
real obstructions that the LBTH Council's
controlling decision-making clique has exercised in
this matter.
Yours sincerely
Muhammad Haque
1729 Hrs GMT
7 March 2008”

[To be continued]

Khoodeelaar! constitutional law opposition to the 'Crossrail Bill' [UK 'House of Lords'] shows Gordon Brown how to establish trust by transparency...

1712 Hrs GMT 1812 Hrs UK Time London [‘Bank Holiday’] Monday 26 May 2008:

KHOODEELAAR! the constitutional law action against ‘Crossrail hole plot’; KHOODEELAAR! the Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Bethnal Green ‘South’ and Stepney London E1 Area CAMPAIGN against the Crossrail hole plot, has been arguing for transparency in the conduct of the ‘locally elected’ ‘London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council’. We have been doing this since 31 January 2004.. We have established archives of acton communication addressed to the crucially Crossrail hole plot-inviting role player ‘ chief executive’ [in post in that Council at the time, Christine Gilbert, who was rehabilitated by by Tony Blair and installed at OFSTED after KHOODEELAAR! campaigned for more than two years for her removal on grounds of incompetence,, negligence, falsehood and suppression of evidence and of unlawfully abusing her position ] .... Khoodeelaar! put the focus on the behaviour of the controlling clique by first asking them questions about what they were getting up to in furthering the Big Business Crossrail hole plot agenda against the East End of London. We followed that up on each occasion by then demanding that the controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council show legal ground [if any - there was never any, so they never could produce any] on which they had been misbehaving against the community and then when they failed to show any legal ground justifying their misbehaviour, Khoodeelaar! demanded that the perpetrators concerned be disciplined in accordance with the law... That has been the sequence of events in relation to each aspect fo the controlling clique's misconduct against the local community and for the Big Business agenda. That approach by Khoodeelaar! has been only one of several constitutional law programmes that the Khoodeelaar! campaign has been carrying out in order to prevent the UNREPRESENTATIVE ‘elected’ [!!!!!!!!!!] local council from doing the damages against the community that it would otherwise do... damages that the particular,persistent pattern of composition of the ‘local’ Tower Hamlets Council has made it prone to do...
As part of the transparent policy adopted voluntarily from the every start, Khoodeelaar! has been publishing all the key materials on the internet and in our printed KHOODEELAAR! bulletin since February 2004.

Here is a constitutional law action e-mail as Khoodeelaar! sent to Tower Hamlets Council il on friday 7 march 2008:

“Dear [Tower Hamlets Council senior employee]

As I stated in my telephone call to you at 1700 Hrs
today I am sending you this e-mail and to say:

This is to confirm that the Khoodeelaar! campaign against the
Crossrail hole Bill, in its scheduled presentation to
the legislative House of Lords Crossrail Bill Select
Committee later this month will make extensive
references to the role and the conduct of Tower
Hamlets Council and that as of today, Friday 7 March
2008, we have not received the promised and the
overdue response to or replies to our outstanding
questions about the evidence and the factual and the
complete history of the Council’s role in all aspects
of the matter to do with Crossrail so far. In the
absence of the information despite our
contemporaneously requesting all relevant disclosures
from and by Tower Hamlets Borough Council throughout
the 52 months [so far] of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign,
we shall also refer to the series of excuses and the
real obstructions that the LBTH Council's
controlling decision-making clique has exercised in
this matter.
Yours sincerely
Muhammad Haque
1729 Hrs GMT
7 March 2008”

[To be continued]

Inner city East End of London to Gordon Brown's rescue - by the Khoodeelaar! constitutional law route: It is economical. It is timely. It is prudent.

By©Muhammad Haque
1120 Hrs GMT
London [Bank Holiday’] Monday
26 May 2008

Inner city East End of London to Gordon Brown's rescue - by the Khoodeelaar! constitutional law route: It is economical. It is timely. It is prudent....

Just by scrapping the wasteful ‘Crossrail’ scam, Gordon Brown can achieve several objectives. Without it costing the public a single penny. In fact if Brown can do as we ask him to do, he will restore a good deal of his lost prudence.

SCRAPPING Crossrail will at once bring to an end the several hundred million pounds that are being waste din maintain the Crassrail bureaucracy.

It will also spare the UK GOVT humiliation by adjudication by the European courts
As Khoodeelaar! has said to Brown all along, the statement by Alistair Darling, made on 22 February 2005 in the House of Commons claiming that he, Darling, was satisfied that the contents of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ were c compatible with the [European Human Rights] Convention....

The contents are NOT compatible.

Also the behaviour of the two select committees - stooged select committee in each of the two Houses of Parliament - that were put in place for the formalities of a bogus scrutiny of the ‘Crossrail Bill’, has shown that THEY TOO are and have been in breach of the UK’s constitutional obligations under the Convention...

If the two ‘Select Committees’ on ‘Crossrail Bill’ have themselves NOT overtly deliberated on breaching the Convention then they have breached the Convention by default and by negligence and by their bureaucracy [for it has in effort been the same bureaucracy: more on this later]

[To be continued]

Sunday, May 25, 2008

If Boris Johnson can SCRAP a stunt ploy 'deal', so can Gordon Brown. So do it, Gordon, SCRAP a flawed Crossrail hole plot scam...

AADHIKAROnline quoting
From BBC online Sunday 25 May 2008


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Page last updated at 17:53 GMT, Sunday, 25 May 2008 18:53 UK
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Living up to the manifesto pledge

By Jonathan Josephs
BBC London News

Mr Johnson has promised New York-style policing
Boris Johnson has decided not to renew the controversial oil deal agreed by his predecessor with Venezuela.
The deal with Caracas, was essentially an oil-for-advice exchange, an exchange that Mr Johnson labelled "crackers" during his election campaign.
The decision is further evidence of a marked change in strategy for the office of London Mayor under the new administration.
The scrapping of the deal certainly fits in with the wider approach of Mr Johnson's most senior aide.
Last week Tim Parker was appointed as First Deputy Mayor. The man who made his reputation in the cut-throat world of private equity has a reputation for axing what he sees as unnecessary tentacles of an organisation in order to save money.
Manifesto pledge
It's a safe bet that Mr Parker sees the Venezuela deal as being outside the "core strategy" of the Greater London Authority.
Mayor Johnson will be quick to point to this decision as well as his move to scrap "the Mayor's personal newspaper" The Londoner, which had an annual budget of £2.9 million, as evidence that he isn't taking long to live up to his manifesto pledge of getting better value for money from City Hall's £11 billion annual budget.
On top of that Mr Johnson may feel he can point to smaller details such as the reported scrapping of the daily delivery of the left-wing Morning Star newspaper as evidence that his approach is across the board.
Although Mr Johnson originally pledged to close down the trade offices set up by Ken Livingstone in India, China and Venezuela, he later back-tracked and told an electoral hustings of leading business figures in the City that he could be persuaded otherwise.
Mr Johnson is not completely against the idea of London having international links; one of the first guests he received to his new office was New York's Mayor, Michael Bloomberg.

President Chavez was a guest of the former mayor Ken Livingstone
The two mayors agreed to swap personnel and ideas so that both metropolises could learn from each others' best practices.
In the battle of ideologies Mr Johnson's Conservative administration would argue that New York - the city of Boris's birth - is a more suitable partner than Caracas for such exchanges, whilst their predecessors may claim that any deal, no matter what is traded, or with whom, should be struck if there is something in it for London.
If any more international tie-ups are to be agreed by Mr Johnson, Londoners can well expect them to be subjected to a rigorous cost-benefit analysis by Tim Parker.
The unpaid First Deputy Mayor will want to make sure that Londoners are getting value for money.
If anyone doubts Mr Parker's credentials they should remember that his cost-cutting approach earned him the label "Prince of Darkness" from the trade unions during his time in charge of companies such as the AA, Kwik-Fit and Clarks.
Ken Livingstone argued that the deal his administration agreed with Venezuela's state oil company would lead to a quarter of a million of the poorest Londoners benefiting from half price bus and tram travel.
Mr Livingstone maintained that the scheme, whose beneficiaries were those receiving Income Support payments from the government, would lead to a rise in the living standards of some of the most deprived people in the capital.
He has repeated that claim today, and it may well be echoed by those benefiting from the discounted travel.
Benefiting Londoners
Boris Johnson has said he will honour the concessions that the scheme provides until its original end date - August this year - but those that had taken it up will be asking where they will find the money to cover the dent in their back pockets.
Transport for London figures show that after three months of the scheme 56,000 people had taken it up.
And whilst this may not quite be as many as the 250,000 claimed by Mr Livingstone there may still be some disgruntled Londoners for Mr Johnson to soothe; how, or if he'll do this he hasn't said.
But Mr Johnson has claimed that "many Londoners felt uncomfortable about the bus operation of one of the world's financial powerhouses being funded by the people of a country where many people live in extreme poverty" adding that he thinks "there are better ways of benefiting Londoners and better ways of benefiting Venezuelans".
Whilst the impact of this particular cut is relatively clear to see, because of its ring-fenced nature, many millions of Londoners may be wondering what further cuts in spending Mayor Johnson has up his sleeve, and if, and how, they will be affected.
With all this cost-cutting around, one thing that remains to be seen is how quickly Mayor Johnson will complete his pledge to undertake an inquiry into "bureaucratic waste" at City Hall; he thinks he can save 20% of City Hall's publicity and marketing budget.
It was a claim he made repeatedly through his election campaign. No doubt many of the capital's residents will be hoping that those savings and others can be found and that they may even have to pay less council tax as a result.
AADHIKAROnline unquoting
From BBC online Sunday 25 May 2008

Khoodeelaar! solves Gordon Brown's 'connecting with the people' dilemma: Just scrap Crossrail hole plot and the people will know the difference...!

By©Muhammad Haque
1815 Hrs GMT
1915 Hrs UK
London Sunday
25 May 2008

On the evidence of past analyses, Khoodeelaar! is confident about Gordon Brown’s potential to turn things around, as far as defusing Ca-Morn’s balloon goes.

But Brown must not tell lies, either. Brown may have begun to put on a smile, but his smile must be real. He must resolve to only smile when the people can freely smile too.

The worries, anxieties and stress that people experience daily, even more frequently, are real. So Brown’s empathy too must be real. True. Honest. Genuine

What Brown should do now is to show that he does not need to wait until things get too volatile before taking decisive action.

We say that the Crossrail hole agenda is stuffed with garbage to the point of unreality

We have said so for 54 months.

From Saturday 31 January 2004 to Sunday 25 May 2008

Now Brown should call Big Business bluff and defuse once and for all the CRASS idea.

He should say, Rod Eddington had the right direction.

And Browns Should say, the people have not called for it.

Crossrail is a toy. It is a ploy for Big Business. For City of London . For Canary Wharf... And for the careerist likes of the insecure, egoistic Ken Livingstone...

If Brown needs extra evidential ammunition, he can cite the ‘small businesses’ objections to the City of London-Ken Living stone ploy forcing the small businesses to make hefty contributions to Crossrail top the extra amount they have to pay to make the City of London’s stunt come true.

There are plenty of OTHER credible and legitimate sources that Brown can cite to destroy the CRASSRAIL hole plot-backing plug that Big Business planted for years via Ken Livingstone...

Brown can do it and he can get ADDED credit for defusing the CRASS rail imposition...

Khoodeelaar! has just summarised the way that Gordon Brown can begin to get back to the ‘prudent’ mode!

[To be continued]

Khoodeelaar! solves Gordon Brown's 'connecting with the people' dilemma: Just scrap Crossrail hole plot and the people will know the difference...!

By©Muhammad Haque
1815 Hrs GMT
1915 Hrs UK
London Sunday
25 May 2008

On the evidence of past analyses, Khoodeelaar! is confident about Gordon Brown’s potential to turn things around, as far as defusing Ca-Morn’s balloon goes.

But Brown must not tell lies, either. Brown may have begun to put on a smile, but his smile must be real. He must resolve to only smile when the people can freely smile too.

The worries, anxieties and stress that people experience daily, even more frequently, are real. So Brown’s empathy too must be real. True. Honest. Genuine

What Brown should do now is to show that he does not need to wait until things get too volatile before taking decisive action.

We say that the Crossrail hole agenda is stuffed with garbage to the point of unreality

We have said so for 54 months.

From Saturday 31 January 2004 to Sunday 25 May 2008

Now Brown should call Big Business bluff and defuse once and for all the CRASS idea.

He should say, Rod Eddington had the right direction.

And Browns Should say, the people have not called for ot.

Crossrail is a toy. It is a ploy for Big Business. For City of London . For Canary Wharf... And for the careerist likes of the insecure, egoistic Ken Livingstone...

If Brown needs extra evidential ammunition, he can cite the ‘small businesses’ objections to the City of London-Ken Living stone ploy forcing the small businesses to make hefty contributions to Crossrail top the extra amount they have to pay to make the City of London’s stunt come true.

There are plenty of OTHER credible and legitimate sources that Brown can cite to destroy the CRASSRAIL hole plot-backing plug that Big Business planted for years via Ken Livingstone...

Brown can do it and he can get ADDED credit for defusing the CRASS rail imposition...

Khoodeelaar! has just summarised the way that Gordon Brown can begin to get back to the ‘prudent’ mode!

[To be continued]

Khoodeelaar! solves Gordon Brown's 'connecting with the people' dilemma: Just scrap Crossrail hole plot and the people will know the difference...!

By©Muhammad Haque
1815 Hrs GMT
1915 Hrs UK
London Sunday
25 May 2008

On the evidence of past analyses, Khoodeelaar! is confident about Gordon Brown’s potential to turn things around, as far as defusing Ca-Morn’s balloon goes.

But Brown must not tell lies, either. Brown may have begun to put on a smile, but his smile must be real. He must resolve to only smile when the people can freely smile too.

The worries, anxieties and stress that people experience daily, even more frequently, are real. So Brown’s empathy too must be real. True. Honest. Genuine

What Brown should do now is to show that he does not need to wait until things get too volatile before taking decisive action.

We say that the Crossrail hole agenda is stuffed with garbage to the point of unreality

We have said so for 54 months.

From Saturday 31 January 2004 to Sunday 25 May 2008

Now Brown should call Big Business bluff and defuse once and for all the CRASS idea.

He should say, Rod Eddington had the right direction.

And Browns Should say, the people have not called for ot.

Crossrail is a toy. It is a ploy for Big Business. For City of London . For Canary Wharf... And for the careerist likes of the insecure, egoistic Ken Livingstone...

If Brown needs extra evidential ammunition, he can cite the ‘small businesses’ objections to the City of London-Ken Living stone ploy forcing the small businesses to make hefty contributions to Crossrail top the extra amount they have to pay to make the City of London’s stunt come true.

There are plenty of OTHER credible and legitimate sources that Brown can cite to destroy the CRASSRAIL hole plot-backing plug that Big Business planted for years via Ken Livingstone...

Brown can do it and he can get ADDED credit for defusing the CRASS rail imposition...

Khoodeelaar! has just summarised the way that Gordon Brown can begin to get back to the ‘prudent’ mode!

[To be continued]

Khoodeelaar! solves Gordon Brown's 'connecting with the people' dilemma: Just scrap Crossrail hole plot and the people will know the difference...!

By©Muhammad Haque
1815 Hrs GMT
1915 Hrs UK
London Sunday
25 May 2008

On the evidence of past analyses, Khoodeelaar! is confident about Gordon Brown’s potential to turn things around, as far as defusing Ca-Morn’s balloon goes.

But Brown must not tell lies, either. Brown may have begun to put on a smile, but his smile must be real. He must resolve to only smile when the people can freely smile too.

The worries, anxieties and stress that people experience daily, even more frequently, are real. So Brown’s empathy too must be real. True. Honest. Genuine

What Brown should do now is to show that he does not need to wait until things get too volatile before taking decisive action.

We say that the Crossrail hole agenda is stuffed with garbage to the point of unreality

We have said so for 54 months.

From Saturday 31 January 2004 to Sunday 25 May 2008

Now Brown should call Big Business bluff and defuse once and for all the CRASS idea.

He should say, Rod Eddington had the right direction.

And Browns Should say, the people have not called for ot.

Crossrail is a toy. It is a ploy for Big Business. For City of London . For Canary Wharf... And for the careerist likes of the insecure, egoistic Ken Livingstone...

If Brown needs extra evidential ammunition, he can cite the ‘small businesses’ objections to the City of London-Ken Living stone ploy forcing the small businesses to make hefty contributions to Crossrail top the extra amount they have to pay to make the City of London’s stunt come true.

There are plenty of OTHER credible and legitimate sources that Brown can cite to destroy the CRASSRAIL hole plot-backing plug that Big Business planted for years via Ken Livingstone...

Brown can do it and he can get ADDED credit for defusing the CRASS rail imposition...

Khoodeelaar! has just summarised the way that Gordon Brown can begin to get back to the ‘prudent’ mode!

[To be continued]

Khoodeelaar! solves Gordon Brown's 'connecting with the people' dilemma: Just scrap Crossrail hole plot and the people will know the difference...!

By©Muhammad Haque
1815 Hrs GMT
1915 Hrs UK
London Sunday
25 May 2008

On the evidence of past analyses, Khoodeelaar! is confident about Gordon Brown’s potential to turn things around, as far as defusing Ca-Morn’s balloon goes.

But Brown must not tell lies, either. Brown may have begun to put on a smile, but his smile must be real. He must resolve to only smile when the people can freely smile too.

The worries, anxieties and stress that people experience daily, even more frequently, are real. So Brown’s empathy too must be real. True. Honest. genuine..

What Brown should do now is to show that he doe snot need to wait until, things get too volatile before taking decisive action.

We say that the Crossrail hole agenda is stuffed with garbage to the point of unreality

We have said so for 54 months.

From Saturday 31 January 2004 to Sunday 25 May 2008

Now Brown should call Big Business bluff and defuse once and for all the CRASS idea.

He should ay, Rod Eddington had the right direction.

And Browns Should say, the people have not called for ot.

Crossrail is a toy. It is a ploy for Big Business. For City of London . For Canary Wharf... And for the careerist likes of the insecure, egoistic Ken Livingstone...

If Brown needs extra evidential ammunition , he can cite the ‘small businesses’ objections to the City of London-Ken Living stone ploy forcing the small businesses to make hefty contributions to Crossrail top the extra amount they have to pay to make the City of London’s stunt come true.

There are plenty of OTHER credible and legitimate sources that Brown can cite to destroy the CRASSRAIL hole plot-backing plug that Big Business planted for years via Ken Livingstone...

Brown can do it and he can get ADDED credit for defusing the CRASS rail imposition...

Khoodeelaar! has just summarised the way that Gordon Brown can begin to get back to the ‘prudent’ mode!

[To be continued]

One 'world class' device Gordon Brown can still prod behind Ca-Moron's overzealous 'bandwagon' is a dose of truth - about capitalism...

By©Muhammad Haque
1640 Hrs GMT
London Sunday
25 May 2008

Poverty is alive. And it is about to hit its creators and perpetrators in the face hard! The world class slap is going to be very painful indeed.

In October 2007, I wrote to an apparently North American journalism student doing an apparently media related degree course project on an apparently respectable London university.

She had approached Khoodeelaar! to tell her what we were about. She was a bit late. For it was already at least 2 weeks since Gordon Brown had been on Ken Lyingstill Livingstone's bandwagon.

What I said in October 2007 holds true today. In fact, if anything, the economic c comment of my analysis is even more emphatic now .... than it was in October 2007 when I write that piece [below]

The lesson is that Gordon Brown should pay heed to what I am saying., To what I said before. Not to Meghnad Desai. Desai is off his trolley. As he was a few weeks earlier when he berated Brown as being dim.

Brown is not dim. But he has to get going. He has to s ay that unaffordable and adventurous scams cannot stay. They must go.

And in scrapping CRASSrail,. Brown can cite Rod Eddington. And say that Eddington did 'n think it was a good idea.

Even Channel 4 news said so in October 2007.

So Brown is not alone.....

[To be continued]


Khoodeelaar! Is primarily about the [economic, environmental and social] defence of the East End of London against the mega plot by Big Business to uproot the local ordinary community and to substitute it with clones who are after making quick cash by destroying the community.
Khoodeelaar! Is also the main overall monitor against the device that is Crossrail.

By monitor, we mean to say that we have undertaken the most extensive structural [economic social and constitutional] study and analysis of Crossrail and we are able to refute any promotional claims by Ken Livingstone who has been the key front man for Big Business.
Crossrail is dressed up as ‘solving London ’s transport’ problems. That is a lie. Crossrail is NOT about London ’s ordinary transport problems. It is about the City of London interests and their colluders in Big Businesses based at locations like Canary Wharf .
The £Billions that have been 'formally stated as being’ committed by Gordon Brown are not rightly committed. It is uneconomic and socially divisive.
But Livingstone has abused his positions and offices that he has held across London for almost 35 years now and the CURRENT net of Livingstone’s acolytes is erected on the ability that Livingstone has had to squander public money and misuse public office and public facilities in cultivating those.
The latest to surface on this is this current edition of PRIVATE LIE, which for the first time has carried a disguised scepticism piece on Crossrail.
It is a shielding piece for the idiotic Livingstone.

He has found out that bragging about ‘delivering’ Crossrail was far too early. He did brag on having ‘delivered’ Crossrail some two weeks ago.
Now he knows that Brown doesn't want anything to do with raising the remaining funds that this Crossrail project will swallow up.

So he [Livingstone] has turned to Frantic Swine [Francis Wheen] on Private Lie, who has published this contradictory, ignorant piece.
[More on this later]

IF Gordon Brown must imitate anyone, and he is as honest and hardworking as Prezza said on the BBC..then he must follow the simple living governor..

By©Muhammad Haque
1025 Hrs GMT
London Sunday 25 May 2008

Gordon Brown’s ‘lapse’ [his loss of prudence] can still be repaired.

As there are any amount of advice for him, almost all fo it coming from those who would see him imitate the wrong example and model, it is important and timley to remind Brown of one man. He was the man in power.

If Gordon Brown must imitate anyone, and if he is as honest and hardworking as Prezza certified this morning...then Brown must follow the example of the man, the ordinary man who was the governor of his city but hardly lived the life of a governor

No taxi trip accounts... NO expenses account. None whatsoever No John Lewis Expenses account. No Marks and Spencer expenses account....

Has Gordon Brown the morality and the ethics to stop aping emperors?. Has Brown the ethics, the morality to actually drop the offensive infatuation with imperialism? Can Brown turn to the example of the man who spent all his waking hours actually giving up all the trappings of office and in doing everything he could to help the citizens?

Can Gordon Brown make a new ‘PQS’ ?

A PQS in effect.

Pre-Queen’s Speech announcement and mean it, and show that he is go give up the trappings of office and really lead by example?

Will Brown actually start to live as near the bread line as the millions of people in Britain who are pushed into and kept in t? Will t telling the truth on Big Business?

Will Brown drop the alliance with Big Business?

Will he do that?

He can do it if he decides to do it.

Why can’t he drop his ‘alliance’ with the Bechtel-prompted elements that wanted to loot the UK public under excuse fo a London Crossrail?

[To be continued]