Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Silence by the 'Opposition' on the Crossrail hole plot-inviting, inner city, deprived, East London, Tower Hamlets Council is anti-social...

By©Muhammad Haque
1050 Hrs GMT
Wednesday 4 June 2008

The silence by the 'Opposition' on the Crossrail hole plot-inviting, inner city, deprived, East London 'local' ‘Borough’ Tower Hamlets Council 'floor' is as deafening as it is an offence against the electors and community

The silence has got worse!

There is no meeting, full, half or non-existent! that affords any evidence of any life being represented on the Opposition side...

And this is the real truth about how Big Business agenda has got the ‘democratic’ 'institutions' by their cash-grabbing parts!

As witnessed on the latest occasion of a so-called full council [how can it be a 'full' council UNLESS they also have half council? Which may indeed make 'sense', se,, given that so many half-awake, half-thinking...elements appear to be on the roll of councillors' and even 'leading' councillors.]

[To be continued]

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