Tuesday, July 22, 2008

KHOODEELAAR! reminds Gordon Brown of those moments when he has felt very low... So he must not push the poverty-creating Crossrail hole agenda...

KHOODEELAAR! No to “Crossrail hole Big Business agenda.....”

CAMPAIGN The first ethical and constitutional and democratic COMMENTARY of the day at 0425 GMT London Wednesday 23 July 2008:

By©Muhammad Haque

It is almost reliably reported this early morning that one of the most undignified spectacles that keeps happening within the Crossrail hole plot-plugging UK 'Department for Transport' [='dft.'] has begun to rear its head one more time. That on tuesday 22 July 2008, a man, also reliably stated to be a ‘minister’ carrying out the tasks of Big Business at the expense of the UK public of all income and no income levels, began to ask himself as he wore himself down with that familiar sense of being irrepressibly narcissistic as he looked for an audience within the dft. to celebrate his achievement with.......[what achievement? Poverty creation, discrimination, deprivation, wasting pub;ic money??? more on those later] He looked for a suitable platform whence to shout the important question to him: should he, Tom Harris, fly out of the UK for a while. Or should he, even at the moment of delicate imbalance caused by what he had just ‘heard’ in his head, try falling on a safely caused pavement from a safely arranged height near his official office....as a way of drawing attention.... He was beside himself, it is alleged, because he had at last got what he had craved. A bit of ‘news’ on which to make an excuse for getting his name in the papers... Or in the KHOODEELAAR! No to Crassaril hole plot web sites and blogs..... So Tom Harris had to have the licence to indulge his yet-unrequited fantasy- flogging himself off as a Hollywood actor! No, if not the actor himself, then in a typically witless Tom Harris way, a negatively-assigned signed impersonation of that same fantasy actor. Like uttering something by saying he is not that actor whom he is trying to link himself with...No, with whom he is going to compare himself while denying doing so at all . It is guaranteed to give the attention-seeking Tom Harris the mention in the Khoodeelaar! And it has ! Having achieved what he craved., Tom Harris is allegedly off to Glasgow East where in just under 30 hours time, the significant by-election is taking place.... Harris may not know this but his lack of discretion about goings on in the DfT is not the only thing that is unacceptable about him as a ‘minister’. We shall of course be asking Ruth Kelly a few questions about Tom Harris this week... What Harris has got seriously wrong AGAIN about his foolish bragging about the Big Business Crassrail hole plot is that no matter what the ‘Act’ of parliament may be dressed as, if the really important events appear to show that that ‘Act’ may cost the Brown-fronted Blaired time-servers ‘votes’ at any forthcoming election, then that ‘Act’ may be consigned to history faster than the paper counting the ‘Royal Assent’ may be ‘safely deposited’ in the box of ‘Parliamentary documents’. Look what even the Crassrail hole plot agenda-backing FT has confessed in the past seven days. That Gordon Brown who had overdone his own promotion as the ‘prudent’ UK finance minister by claiming to set a limit on the UK Govt borrowings, has begun the process of ditching that ‘fundamental pillar of his 11 Downing Street manifesto slogans and a few of his actual related fiscal practices... Why is Brown doing that? Because no matter how many formal pieces of legislation and similar papers may and DO IN FACT exist containing the alleged policy against borrowing at higher than 40 percent of the GDP, that ‘policy’ is going to be gone... In ACTION if not formally. For if that policy is not itself gone and soonish, then Gordon Brown is widely likely to be gone political career-wise ! So which one is Brown to go for? He is going to ditch any piece of paper that he thinks is cause for his woes...... Now he has had to make a decision... And that is evident in the confessions poured out to Rupert Murdoch’s Times this past seven days by Alistair darling himself.... And then look what Brown did with the 10 p tax ‘legislation’... When he saw the clouds descending on the electoral horizon only a few weeks ago, he rushed to disown his very own 10 p-linked bragging and utterly wrong policy, statement and boast .... And the grave voice sounded very ungrave indeed.... Talking of things containing the grave word! Just this morning [Wednesday 23 July 2008] the Daily Mail too is going to Glasgow East! Not with Tom Harris at all.... They may even refuse him any ‘celebrity-negative-positive-affinity-identity fantasy’ [Like his stating, ‘I am not a big-name Hollywood actor, star....] recognition reference at all... Or they may even do, to mock him out of existence as a minister., of the DAILY MAIL’s writers has been talking about grave things... The political graveyard for Gordon Brown-fronted Blaired party... But Tom Harris is too brazen to notice what the actual writings on the political wall are saying about him and his fellow travelling timeserving careerists who have shown persistent contempt for reason and truth... The truth being that of all the ‘mainstream’ newspapers, in ‘mainland Britain’ [notice that KHOODEELAAR! phrase, devised advisedly and in context] it has to be the very RIGHT WING, very anti-poor-people DAILY MAIL that has to be the one to carry the piece containing evidence of the most acute truth of the moment... That 11 years of the Blairing lies
have left places like the East End... of Glasgow and of of course of London, POORER than they might have been 11 year previously That someone of the undeniable Right-wing record as Stephen Glover can write a few phrases including the following:

“Can this be our country? Eleven years of Labour government in Westminster, and 80 years of Labour hegemony in Glasgow East, have delivered this. The life expectancy for males in this most desolate part of the constituency is 63, 14 years below the British average and, so it is said, seven years less than in the Gaza Strip. The unemployment rate is 25 per cent, and more people claim incapacity benefit here than in any other constituency in Britain.

KHOODEELAAR! is that movement which has WARNED of such depressing consequences of the Blaired policy ... Policy as contained in the now ‘Crossrail Act’... The battles, in Glasgow East and elsewhere and in the East End of London against making the East Ends [=the inner city areas] even poorer by Brown-fronted Big Business agenda as typified by the 10 p tax wrongs, the attacks on the low paid and the no-paid wrongs, the enrichment by public cash of the already rich and ugly rich... the disenfranchisement of communities in areas like the East End of London by the Brown-fronted Blaired party and hidden agenda-setters and forces in the bureaucracy repeatedly picking up visually ‘representative’ stooges to make up ‘token’ ‘elected post-holders’ and position-holding’ ‘operatives’ on the formally ‘democratic’ agencies and platforms, like the locally based Tower Hamlets Council and beyond.... continue The KHOODEELAAR! movement is against the Crossrail hole agenda and it is in defence of the values and the rights and the needs that must be protected, established and upheld if deprivation of all kinds, poverty of the mind and of skills are to be prevented, reduced and defeated...... [To be continued]

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