Monday, July 7, 2008

The Poverty-creation by Crossrail hole plot goes hand in hand with the poverty-creating agenda of Brown's 'Govt' in UK today...

By©Muhammad Haque
2355 Hrs GMT
Monday 7 July 2008

What IS Ruth Kelly's poverty?

Sure she is not about to start LITERALLY saving and stocking up food lest she has to starve. NOT in the immediate future. Of course.

Ruth Kelly’s poverty is deeper seated than that.

Whereas she literally would have been - or would be - starving had she been any of or among the thousands of individuals that exist along the Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Bethnal Green ’south'’ Stepney London E1 route of the planned Crossrail hole plots and who are obstructed from ‘jobs’ that her colleague and co-fabricator James Purnell [the ‘teens’-Spectator magazine's nominee for ‘leader’ of the Blaired Party and currently the Poverty-Creation Minister in Browns cabinet] lied about in his collective references during the routine, the untruthful, the untransparent, the outdated, the obsolete, the diversionary, the lies-packed DEPARTfromthetruth Departmental Question Time for the DEpartment for Woes and Poverty-creation =’DWP’] staged in the UK House of Commons today [Monday 7 July 2008] as well, RUTH KELLY’s poverty lies in the fact that she is starved of the truth. By her users in the political token job she enjoys... She must be enjoying it because she hardly features as making any difference fro the better at all....

And she is starving the public of the truth of what her DfT gets up to as it acts as the main stooged Department for the Big business lobby on transport in the UK....

Even as she made that statement [Monday 7 July 2008] about bio-fuels, she knew that she would not be telling the whole truth about that particular decision.

She knew that she was reading her speech [!!!!!] off a script which she treated as if it were one of those sacred religious things, one of which she reportedly carries in her person wherever she goes.....

Such physical attachment to her political performance materials are not repeated in her relationship with the public...

The constituency at large. For as a cabinet Minister, her constituency extends beyond the parliamentary seat that she allegedly represents Ruth kelly’s spread of poverty is in her lack of truthfulness about what in fact is going on inside the DfT...

Had she been rich in truth she would have by now published the truth about the crassness of Crossrail that the evidence shows. And had she been inclined to tell the truth, she would have done months ago about Eddington what she did today about ‘Professor Gallagher.

Whereas she sounded unmistakably deferential to Professor Gallagher today she has not mentioned Rod Eddington in that same way and not especially about Eddington;’s advice to the UK Govt that Crossrail was not worth supporting....

[To be continued]

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