By©Muhammad Haque: 0450 GMT London Sunday 26 October 2008:
Degeneration and the London GUARDIAN have always gone hand in hand. Degeneration in and of the ‘inner cities’. Corruption, sleaze and dehumanisation are three of the headline words that can be used to refer to the millions of lives ruined by the degenerative culture flaunted by successions of crooks holding positions of ‘power’ in local councils, regional assemblies and UK central Govt departments and ministries.The Guardian has been at the forefront of backing the crooks. under many diverse guises The buzz word now is of course the equally corrupting, contaminating diversity...It is the one that has replaced the dozens that were ‘in fashion’ as far as the contaminating lies of the Guardian were concerned. What they used to hide under racism they now flaunt in the display box of diversity.And every conceivable contemporary pretext and psychological emotion is invoked to justify the degeneration programme that is being carried out.. The ‘economic’ phrase that the corrupters and the degenerators are now using, in the context of the current phase of the capitalistic outrage, is ‘investment’. And, of course, ‘Keynes’.First on Keynes: The morons do not know that Keynes [J M Keynes, the public schooled boy from cambridge at the UK Ministry....] NEVER was the economist they are painting him to have been. Keynes had NOT the clue as to HOW capitalists rob and loot and bankrupt the public..... If Keynes had the clue that he needed to have then he did not share it with the readers of his overrated works. The point is that Keynes was as patronising and as corrupting as the bands of the adherents of his supposed genius have been these past few weeks... Incredibly, these idiots have been ALSO pretending to be themselves socialists as they have been =doing the work for Alistair darling and acting as his spin-soldiers [here is another KHOODEELAAR! word, just created!]..........Darling is painted now as an almost genuine socialist. So much so that they have been ‘reporting’ the ‘amazing fact’ that Darling has in his office at the UK finance ministry [the ‘Treasury’! even when it is fronting a bankrupting policy!!!] , a portrait of the ‘great man’ himself.... J M Keynes.....J M Keynes thought of the public, the people in general as robots that could be propelled and manipulated by capitalists ploys... And his stimulating [qv] programme - to whatever extent he in fact argued for it or ‘authored’ the idea, which is nonsense, more on this in later parts of this- ddi not recognise the role of justice, fairness and ethics. HE may have opined on this in peripheral terms. But fairness, consideration for others were NOT the moving factors in his scheme... What he was about was a con. And a gigantic, wasteful confidence trick with which to fool the people......And keep CAPITALISM in control....I think it is appropriate therefore to refer to Keynes as Cons. Ads in Keynes Kons for capitalism Keynesianism as Konsyanism for capitalism.....Keynes cons for capitalism!....NO wonder than that the Guardian, the more successful propaganda organ for corrupt capitalistic, exploitative, unjust, unequal, degenerating society programming, is peddling sub-Keynesian mortgaging of the ordinary peoples lives o=so that the crooks in control can put a few million quid in their own ‘local’ ‘deprived area pockets’.No wonder also that the Guardian has unleashed a man who brings in references to the holocaust and the fleeing of his grand father from Nazi Germany, to do a propaganda job for the crooks in control of the corrupt local councils.....He pats them on the back and benignly excuses their corruption by saying they have been ‘muddling through’!It is a wrong use of the plight of the victims of Nazi germany. And it is inappropriate...People who genuinely want to teach others the lessons from the times of the Nazis in power and their atrocities, violations and violence, must not rush to praise the racists of today... They must show they understand racism and they must oppose racism...Degenerating the inner cities has been one of the most ‘successful’ racist projects in the context of the ‘East End’...But then the Guardian man will not live in that East End....And he will not recognise it either even if he physically lived in any part of the East End that was today...He is jaundiced. He is ignorant. And he is very very biased against the communities that make up the population in the East End...No wonder that the Guardian ‘writer’ has not heard any protests against Crossrail. hole scam...[To be continued]
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