Thursday, December 18, 2008

KHOODEELAAR! TOLD YOU SO! Tower Hamlets Council's role as a tool for Big Business Crossrail, has been CRASS!

HOW CRASS has been the 'policy' of Tower Hamlets Council on Crossrail? The EVIDENCE of that came floating on the peddling statement made last night..

That happened in the Council chamber at Mulberry Place, Clove Crescent, London E14 2BG.

Someone stood up, at the cue given by the chair of the meeting, and spoke in the name of the controlling ‘group’ on the Council. By the time he had finished his first sentence, it became clear that he was not really au fait with the facts. let alone with the evidence.

We shall be publishing the report ands analysis on this site and on during the day today Thursday 18 December 2008

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