Saturday, July 5, 2008

KHOODEELAAR! constitutional, legal, ethical, economic, social NO to CROSSRAIL hole plot and NO to Big Business setting the agenda in UK Parliament...

By©Muhammad Haque
1600 Hrs GMT
1700 Hrs UK Time
Saturday 5 July 2008:

KHOODEELAAR! is the campaign that came into existence on 31 January 2004 and has ever since advocated against the Big Business agenda attacks on the people, on the community, on the economy on the environment in the East End of London ... Khoodeelaar! has aimed to stop the Crossrail holes being dug in the East End of London... To date, a number of those holes plans have been dropped from the initial plot.. But a number still remain in the agenda...

The KHOODEELAAR! campaign is actively addressing, on a 24/7 basis, the remaining and the current Big Business agenda pretexts and collisions that are associated with the residual parts of the Big Business Crossrail-linked agenda; Khoodeelaar! is the daily monitor in and from the inner city east End of London of the parasitising of the UK parliament. and of the stooging of the UK Parliament

KHOODEELAAR! has been making accurate and comprehensively vindicated analytical warnings against the abuses of office by Gordon Brown and by the occupant in the name of the people of London of the post created by Tony Blair called the ‘Mayor’ in London....

KHOODEELAAR! published the ONLY and the accurate ADVICE to Boris Johnson on 10 months ago [that is TEN MONTHS before Boris Johnson was featured on the DAILY MAIL London over the RAY LEWIS ‘incidents’ [Thursday and Friday 3 and 4 July 2008 as shown on the front page of today's - saturday 5 July 2008 -’ DAILY MAIL howling , “BORIS: THE WHEELS ARE COMING OFF ALREADY “ Saturday 5 July 2008] that he [Boris Johnson, only just ‘rumoured as a candidate to be for the post of mayor in the name of London, ten months ago when we said this to him, that he must SHOW that he, Boris Johnson, was occupying a higher moral and ethical plane than Ken Livingstone ever did....Or any that Ken Livingstone EVER could or would...... It is obvious so far that Boris Johnson did not pay attention to what KHOODEELAAR! told him 10 months ago....

Khoodeelaar! is observing Boris Johnson this weekend and is again advising him to drop Crossrail so that he does not get completely derailed by the obscene wastefulness and irrelevance of Crossrail London.......

Khoodeelaar! is voicing the latest comprehensive form of the concern, the anxiety, the alarm against the behaviour of those who are ‘professionally’ paid in the name of the public but who are habitually letting the public down.... that the inner city East London borough of Tower Hamlets is the site for the most extensive variety of breaches of human rights, of democratic, ethical, accountability norms and requirements and expectations and that the KHOODEELAAR! campaign against Crossrail hole agenda is also the campaign for upholding those aspects of the values that are decent, that are universally desirable that are under attacks so negligently and callously and brazenly by all the agencies, and 'publicly paid for and public maintained' 'institutions' and timeserving careerists... on the local Council, on the regional London Assembly and in the UK Parliament.....

KHOODEELAAR! is the constitutional law campaign from the inner city East End of London borough of Tower Hamlets...

KHOODEELAAR! is the ethical, the moral, the social, the community pro-transparency, pro-environment, pro-democratic daily action AGAINST the Tower Hamlets Council’s controlling clique.... The Tower Hamlets Council controlling clique which has been involved in INVITING the Crossrail hole attacks on the East End of London... The Crossrail hole attacks are contained in the Crossrail hole agenda The Crossrail hole agenda is partly contained in the ‘Crossrail, Bill’ [still getting rubber-stamped in the UK Houses of Parasited, Stooged parliament] [that is acting, has been acting as an agent and a tout for Big Business and engaged in policies, promotions and projects against the ordinary people in and across the same borough....

Khoodeelaar! is acting in defence of the principle of democratic accountability by the ‘seekers and the holders for the time being of posts, positions and offices in the name of the people in the area and at the expense of the public’...

[To be continued]

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