Sunday, July 6, 2008

CRASSrail-plugging, Big Business agenda-backing GUARDIAN ['as "OBSERVER' on Sundays] is lying for CROSSRAIL and at the expense of the Routemaster Bus!

The Guardian Unbelievable has today [in the printed form of the ‘Observer’! as it is Sunday, 6 July 2008] published yet another twisted plug for CRASSrail.

The misleading by-line is half-claimed by dan Milmo, and another bit by another of their named contributors. But as usual, the Guardian is contradictory and dishonest.

And why are they running yet another contradictory and dishonest piece?

About Boris Johnson, of course. More on this in the later parts of this commentary.

REWIND to Guardian Unbelievable's lies for CRASSrail London during the early parts of 2007:

On 4 June 2007, AADHIKARonline denounced the Guardian Unbelievable and their so-called transport correspondent et dan Milmo. The reason for that denunciation was Milmo's lying. And ignorance. As he peddled for Crassrail hole plot. And promoted the Crassrail hole plotting tout Ken Livingstone.

We said, amongst other things,m the following about the untruthful Guardian and the untruthful Dan Milmo [the Guardian's' so-called transport correspondent]


The Guardian openly lies for Crossrail hole plot!
1. 7 March 2007 “The Guardian article, "Livingstone and business leaders urge government to fund £10 bn Crossrail scheme", By Dan Milmo, ...”
2. 21 March, Guardian, Dan Milmo, £10 bn Crossrail
3. 29 May 2007, Dan Milmo, the Guardian ‘transport correspondent’ wrote “Gordon Brown is also understood to favour the £10 bn Crossrail project” and
4. 6 days later, the same Guardian’s same Dan Milmo has produced a fantastic budgetary feat of saving [“!!] £1.7 Billion on the costs of Crossrail!

It is no longer £10 Billion Crossrail but a mere £8.3 Billion!

If that is the rate at which the costs of the Crossrail hole plot are reduced then by the end of this week, we should be able to look at a Crossrail plot that will not cost the UK public anything at all!


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