Monday, July 14, 2008

Khoodeelaar! No to "Crossrail hole agenda" focus on Tower Hamlets Council [2]

KHOODEELAAR! No to Crossrail hole plot-backing Tower Hamlets Council-shielding role by Malcolm Starbrook on the East London IDIOTISER: 0850 GMT London Monday 14 July 2008: The demonstration against Tower Hamlets Council on 11 September 2007 was witnessed [!!!!] by a man who stood at the entrance to the 'Mulberry Place'. Only yards away from the demonstrators. Those who took part in this demonstration [see photo on the right of this page] numbered over 20.. So did the man say anything about that to his boss? Who was his boss? Why, Malcolm, of course... Malcolm Starbrook,, who has been again moaning that Tower Hamlets Council has been 'unfair' and been IN EFFECT misusing its powers.......

If he did, Malcolm has not let on.. Malcolm has not published or told the facts.....

Because the man in question was identified as closely resembling Michael Parker, a known member of staff on the IDIOTISER....

[To be continued]

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